In sickness and in health

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Request made by anonymous:
"What if you do one were Merlin gets a cold and authur ends up taking care of him. Because all the knights are busy patrolling and Giaus is out on a trip. (I know merlin has magic but we could pretend 😂)"

Merlin sniffed as he blindly grabbed a shirt off the ground. He pulled his nightshirt off, the action making his head spin.

"Ugh," he groaned, head pounding and body aching. Merlin forced himself to put on his day shirt before tugging his shoes on.

Merlin absolutely, 100% did not want to go to work. He was absolutely, 100% very sick.

But Merlin didn't think Arthur would care. He needed to show up in sickness and in health. No matter what.

So, Merlin dragged himself out of his chambers, mumbling a quick "goodbye" to Gaius, forgetting he was traveling to another village. Merlin didn't eat, sure his body would reject everything he tried to give it.

As Merlin walked - stumbled down the hallway, he tried to ignore the side-glances he was receiving. Cause, let's be honest, Merlin didn't look too hot.

His back was slouched, feet dragging across the floor, tripping over nothing. Merlin woke up sweating and the walk certainly wasn't helping his situation. His blue shirt was darkening around his back, collar, and armpits.

Merlin fanned his face briefly before rubbing his tired, red eyes. He was feeling simultaneously too hot and too cold.

It took a little longer than usual to make it to Arthur's chambers but Merlin didn't really care. All he wanted was to go to bed.

Merlin didn't even bother knocking. He just strolled right in before ripping the curtains open.

"Too bright," he croaked, turning to see Arthur rubbing his eyes, mouth scrunched up to shout some insult.

"Merlin!" Merlin just grumbled. Arthur was being way too loud.

"M-," Arthur pulled back, making a rather unattractive expression, "- Merlin, what is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just tired." Merlin was well aware of the fact that this was not his usual self.

"You look horrible. Are you sick?" Merlin shrugged, his shoulders aching at the movement. He tugged at Arthur's arm to get him out of bed. He complied.

"Why did Gaius let you leave?" Merlin ignored Arthur's concerned tone as he made the bed. He was fluffing the pillows up when Arthur grabbed his arm.

"What?" He snapped, spinning around. Merlin groaned and stumbled back onto the bed when his head pulsed.

"You're sick, Merlin. Let's get you to a Gaius."

"Can't." Merlin pulled his arm away from Arthur. "Gaius is away."

"Fine, then I'll get Lancelot." Arthur pulled Merlin to his feet and dragged him into the hallway.

"Lancelot and the others are patrolling right now," Merlin said matter-of-factly as he was dragged through the halls.

"Okay. I can get Gwen to look after you!" Arthur sounded so proud of himself. Merlin just huffed.

"Gwen is sick, clotpole."

"Alright, then I'll do it." Merlin stopped short, surprised by the notion. Of course, Arthur was pulling Merlin behind him so the stop resulted in Arthur getting pulled back.


"You're going to take care of me?"

Arthur scoffed, "yes! Is that so hard to believe?" Merlin just made a face, raising one eyebrow. "Shut up."

When they got to Gaius' chambers, Arthur basically shoved Merlin onto the bed. He stared at all the bottles, herbs, and books in confusion.

"God," he whispered to himself, "how does Gaius do this?" Arthur didn't even know what kind of sick Merlin was. How does he take care of him?

"Do you need help?"

"No, I'm just... thinking." He glanced at Merlin, taking in his sweaty nature. "What hurts?"


"I can't treat you if I don't know what's wrong, Merlin." Merlin nodded, shifting on the bed to get more comfortable.

"My whole body aches. Mainly my head. Think I have a fever, too." Arthur nodded. He remembered when he was that sick as a kid. Gaius had given him some clear medication to help with the pain, water, and told him to get lots of rest. Was that it?

Arthur rifled through the room, picking up bottles of stuff and sniffing herbs. He came across many bottles with clear liquids in them and ultimately decided not to use any.

By the time Arthur walked back to Merlin ready to ask for help, the servant was asleep, hands tucked under his arms. Arthur just chuckled before leaving to get some water.

Merlin would be thirsty after waking up and Arthur needed to bring his fever down. Arthur also went to the kitchens, getting food for himself and Merlin.

When he got back to Gaius' chambers, Arthur dampened a cloth and laid it across Merlin's forehead. He also draped a blanket over Merlin, his body trembling slightly.

Arthur ate his portion of the food, setting a bowl over Merlin's plate to try and reserve some of the heat. He replaced the cloth every so often as he kept a close eye on his friend.

Merlin woke up hours later. He was feeling less tired and weak, his body having time to try and heal itself. He was immediately greeted by Arthur, water and a plate of food in his hands.

"I took some water out before dunking the cloth," Arthur reassured as Merlin drank the water, throat getting less achy as a result.

"Good to know you can do some things," Merlin retorted. He was very appreciative that Arthur was taking the time to take care of him. He made a mental note to express his gratitude.

But first, food.

After Merlin ate his slightly cold food, Arthur had to go. His father was summoning him and neither the prince nor the servant wanted to defy the king.

The knights were back so Arthur had another servant fetch Lancelot to look after Merlin.

Just as Arthur got up to leave, Merlin grabbed his sleeve. "Thank you, Arthur."

The sincerity in his voice made Arthur smile softly. His voice was gruff and full of emotion when he responded with a gentle, "of course."


I hope this was good and fulfilled your request!

Sorry if the sickness was inaccurate. I based it off of when I was really sick a few years ago.

Anyway, thank you for reading!

Have a wonderful day/night :)!!!

Merlin shorts and suchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن