Magical fights (longish)

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"Honestly Merlin, this is all your fault." Arthur complains from the cold, dark cell. Gwaine laughs a bit and lays a hand on Merlin's shoulder.

"Come on princess, cut the boy some slack. I mean he is injured." While running away from bandits, the knights and the servant accidentally entered a foreign kingdom and got captured. During the fight, Merlin got struck across the leg. His leg had been bleeding profusely, but he managed to (poorly) patch it up before they got captured. It was not only bleeding slightly and Merlin kept a good amount of pressure on it.

"I can't believe this happened... again. This is like the seventh time in the past three months." Arthur shook his head and grunted in annoyance.

"New record," Merlin squeezed out. Though he wasn't showing it, his leg was hurting immensely. The cut had been deep and with a very sharp blade. The slice across his calf wasn't like ones he'd had before. Before anyone could respond, a dark skinned man in armor came down the hall to the cell. He unlocked it and opened the door wide.

"Stand and follow." In a swift movement, the man reached down and grabbed at Merlin. Merlin was lifted by his arm and winced when he put pressure on his bad leg. The knights followed the man that was dragging Merlin into a throne room. A man dressed in royal clothing sat upon the throne. He was wearing a crown studded with many jewels. A sword was in his hand; the point against the ground.

"Your majesty, the prisoners." The man shoved Merlin to the ground and a few others pushed the knights to their knees.

"Let then stand." Each man is pulled form the ground and shoved forward. Arthur walks closer to the throne with his head high. The knights follow his act, but Merlin does the opposite. His head is down as he hobbles to the throne. He doesn't want anyone to see the pain and tears on his face. In a swift movement, Merlin wiped the tears and raises his head a bit.

"I demand to be let go." Arthur holds the hilt of his sword and gets ready to attack.

"You're funny for the King of Camelot." The man sitting at the throne waved his hand and suddenly the swords on all the knights were gone. His eyes shine a blinding gold, but fades quickly. "Also quite stupid, but that's not surprising."

Arthur's face flushed red and his blood began to boil under his skin. He went to speak, but was cut off.

"King Ulrich of Monrong II. You know, a magical kingdom." Arthur felt his angry expression fall at the mention of the kingdom's name. He knew it from his father's proud tales of killing off the magic people. "I hold a deep hatred for Camelot, your majesty." Ulrich spoke the royal name in a mocking way and stood. "Bow."

Arthur shook his head and stood his ground, hoping everyone else would too. His hope was broken seconds later when Gwaine went to his knees. Ulrich nodded in agreement and looked Arthur in the eye. Slowly, all of the knights went to their knees. After Gwaine it was Percival, Leon, and then finally Arthur.

Ulrich nodded in happiness and let a smile grow across his face. The smile quickly fell when he saw a pale, bloody, brunette still standing. "What are you doing?"


"Bow or I'll kill you."

"'Kill me if you must, but I shall not bow to a king who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended.'" Merlin stood his ground and kept his head high.

"Pardon me?"

"Ulrich of Monrong II, I know you. That name was spoke of with fear. Your father killed innocent people in small towns and brought you along. You just killed people with him. I know what you've done and I will not bow to you."

Merlin shorts and suchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora