Utterly insane (long)

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King Arthur, his servant Merlin, and his knights are all on horseback riding to Camelot. The seven of them are riding from a different kingdom after offering a peace treaty. Both Kings from both kingdoms signed the treaty. Arthur was feeling happy with his accomplishment. The knights were proud of their king, but tired of riding for so many days. Merlin was feeling completely and utterly exhausted.

He has had to serve all five knights and his king for over a week. Even in the kingdom he had to serve all the six men their meals, clean up after them, polish their armor, clean their rooms, and the list goes on. His body was hurting from leaning over while washing he floor, being the target holder during the training the king and knights had during the visit to the kingdom, and from sitting on a horse for so damn long.

"Merlin as much as it pains me to admit, I do like you mindless chatter and insults. What is wrong with you?" Arthur asks his servant from his horse in the front. Usually Merlin would be riding beside the king, making jokes or calling him names. At the moment Merlin was at the back of the group not making a single noise.

"Nothing, sire." Sure enough that made the king more suspicious of his friend. The knights seemed to pick up some suspicion as well, for everyone knows Merlin does not call Arthur sire, unless it is a mocking way.


"I am fine, honestly." The usual happy undertone in Merlin's voice was gone. It all sounded barren and emotionless. Merlin could tell he was worrying his friends, but he didn't feel bad like he normally would. He felt numb, numb and lifeless.

The seven men continued on their ride to Camelot, being careful as they knew they were in different kingdoms. Each man, except Merlin, had a sword on their hip, their hands ready to grab the hilt and attack.

After an hour or two more Arthur decided that they would rest and make camp. Everyone nodded their head in agreement, except for Merlin who just stared at his friends blankly.

Merlin once again served his king and knights. He tied up all the horses and met their needs. Then he spread out all the bedrolls. Merlin went out to search for firewood and then made the fire. The went out to find plants and spices to add into their dinner, then proceeded to make dinner. In the end Merlin only got to have a few spoon fulls of his creation. After dinner Merlin was in charge of cleaning the dishes and getting more firewood.

Arthur watched as Merlin placed he last bowl on a log to dry out. The servant stood and announced he was going to retrieve more firewood. The king nodded and started talking when he was sure Merlin was far away

"Something is seriously bothering him. He hasn't joked or called me names all day!" The knights all nodded in agreement.

"Did you see how sad he looked while making the food?" Elyan asked into the circle of men. He wasn't best of friends with Merlin, but still cared deeply for the gangly man.

"Yeah, and he kept zoning out or staring blankly." Gwaine added to the conversation. His best friend was feeling sad and he had no idea why.

"He looked quite sad and bothered when we asked him to tied up the horses." Leon pointed out.

"Yeah, and while getting firewood he seemed exhausted." Percival joined in.

"I think we've worked him too hard." Lancelot told his dear friends in worry. The knights and king all agreed and continued on their talk about how Merlin was acting. The six men only halted their talk when they heard an angry shout followed with a scream in agonizing pain. All men jumped up.

"It's coming from the direction Merlin was in." Leon pointed out, his fear for his friends wellbeing showing slightly. They all grabbed their swords and started to were the scream was. It wasn't too far from the camp they had made.

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