Family before morals

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The quiet village of Ealdor was anything but quiet at the moment. Raiders were tearing apart houses and pulling out the crops. The villages were pleading them to stop, but none had the courage to actually try to physically stop the men. The raiders were making viscous yells in victory whenever they were to find something of value.

One woman stood by her house. It had not been touched yet because of its distance from where the raiders entered the village. She stood waiting, hoping. The woman, called Hunith, was waiting for his son and the knights he would bring. Their village had been attacked before, the raiders always came at the same time each year. This year, Hunith has been prepared to do something. Just as some raiders were making their way to the woman's house, seven horses rose their way into Ealdor. On six of the horses knights say proudly. One the last horse a gangly servant boy sat with fury in his eyes.

Merlin was angry that someone thought it was okay to raid his village. He gripped the reins tightly and huffed a breath when he saw the people getting closer to his own house. Merlin and the knights tried to scare the men off. The knights with long, sharp swords and Merlin with a small dagger and looks of pure rage.

All the raiders started to leave, most leaving the stuff they were taking due to orders of the Camelot knights. Though one raider was standing his ground. He was a scruff man with tattered clothing. He had an angry look in his eyes.

"I'm not leaving this pathetic village without something worthwhile." The unpleasant looking man sneered towards the villagers. He began to look around, trying to spot anything valuable.

"You will not be talking anything." The brunette woman pushed through some people and stood tall some amount of feet any. Her son, Merlin, tried to pull her back, but she pushed him away instead. "Leave Ealdor."

"Silly wo-." The man began.

"Now." Hunith spoke this word calmly, but sternly. It was like she was scolding a child. The raider didn't like being spoken to in that way. He didn't like being humiliated by a peasant woman. He didn't like it so much, that he struck her. He hit her right across her face. A sickening noise came from the hit, a noise that rang in the ears of everybody watching. A red mark grew on Hunith's face. The man advanced to the woman and was about to raise his arm again.

"'You hurt her.'" The mans second blow was interrupted by the voice of Merlin. The young warlock stared the man down. He walked over to the much bigger man and practically growled. "'And I'll rip you apart with my bare hands.'"

Shock was present throughout everybody because sweet, kind, calm, caring Merlin wasn't violent. All the people in Ealdor watching this scene knew of the boy's magic, except for the raider. Each and everyone of them thought magic was what the boy was going to use. It was a shock when the warlock lunged at the taller man.

Both men fell to the ground, Merlin on top. Merlin drew his fist back and full force struck the man's face. Again and again and again the warlock struck he man. Some people had gone to interfere, but were too scared to complete their action. Even the knights of Camelot were too fearful of Merlin at the moment.

The older man grunted in pain when Merlin sent one last punch into his nose. But the boy was not done. When the raider went to grab Merlin by the back of his neck, the boy swiftly pulled out his dagger. Merlin stabbed the dagger through the raider's hand. A cry of pain left the man as his hand lay flat on the ground. The knife stuck an inch or two underground.

"Please-." The man began, once again interrupted, but this time not by a simple command, but by a great pain in his right arm. Merlin has stood and stomped his foot on the man's arm. The raider wanted nothing more then to cradle his probably broken arm, but couldn't because his left hand was being pinned to the ground by a dagger.

"Your pathetic pleas will not make me stop, just like the pleas of my village didn't make you stop." Merlin went to stomp on the man again, but stopped to his mother voice.

"Merlin, please stop." Immediately, the boy listened to his mother. He turned to look at the woman who raised him and felt tears build. A dark red mark was across her left cheek. Merlin felt himself grow more angry and the raider, but didn't want to disobey his mother. "Let him go. I thank you for your protection, but please let him go now. He's hurt enough."

The kind boy smiled at his mother and nodded his head. He turned to look at the pitiful man on the ground. Mumbling something like "pathetic raider with his pathetically pathetic life," Merlin bent down to the man. A sharp gasp left the raider when the dagger was ripped from his hand. Without a second of hesitation the raider stood up and ran off.

"Damn Merlin." Gwaine commented and Merlin laughed. He laughed like he hadn't just severely injured someone.

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