Under the tree

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It was a calm day in Camelot. No one was trying to kill the king or his servant. There was no storms or clouds in the sky. Nobody was injured from past wars or attempted murders. There weren't many duties for the king and his knights to perform. It was a good day.

Merlin sits under a tree with a book about treating injuries. He is reading intensely and trying to soak in all the information. His back was starting to ache from being hunched over for hours, but he tried to ignore it. The pale boy was having a fun, calm time and that's all that mattered.

Arthur stood a few feet away from his servant. He studied the way Merlin would scrunch up his face when he didn't quite understand something. The blonde smiled when Merlin looked happy about something. He looked concerned when Merlin would roll his shoulders in discomfort. Arthur was calm when he watched his love having a good time and that's all that mattered.

Merlin was startled when Arthur sat next to him. He closed the book after putting a leaf at his page. It's a bookmark he said when Arthur gave him a funny look. The blonde just laughed and wrapped an arm around the brunette's waist. Merlin gave Arthur a kiss on the cheek and laid his head on his loves shoulder. The two men looked over at the castle and smiled.

The two men were having a calm moment together and that's all that mattered.

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