Black Lives Matter

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I don't have much of a platform but I just wanted to get this message out to the people do read my writing.

What has been going on in America is disgusting. There have been far too many innocent black men and women murdered for no reason. Ahmaud Arbery, Nia Wilson, George Floyd, and so many more have suffered at the hands of the police.

White privilege is real. If you do not believe it is, you are the problem. White privileged is not saying that white people have perfect lives, but every white person has an advantage over poc. That's just how the system works and it is disgusting.

Trump is a disgrace of a man. He is a racist, sexist, homophobic rapist who has openly admitted to disgusting things. He called the BLM movement protesters THUGS but called the people who protested the virus very nice people. That is disgusting. "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" was said by a racist Miami police chief in the 1960s. Trump quoted him but claimed he didn't know it's origin. What is wrong with him?? I have no words.

Trump is not my president and never will be.

I am not black but I see you
I am not black but I hear you
I am not black but I mourn with you


Text 'FLOYD' to 551-56

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All lives do not matter until black lives matter.

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