Pizza's here

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We were all sat on the couches in Star Labs, not long after the others decided to call it a day, no progress having been made on any front. The chance that they could find another way to bring my powers back was slim, but I wouldn't have trusted another group to try after Alex. I was talking with Felicity and Oliver, catching up after what seemed like forever when an alert rang over the speakers.

"Pizza's here." Barry's voice echoed as he bolted off to the door, Iris glaring at the lightning that followed him.

"How people don't figure it out sooner, I don't understand." She was shaking her head as I laughed, my eyes travelling to Lena talking to Felicity on another couch as Barry reappeared.

Placing the mountain of pizza boxes on the table, he picked up two boxes for himself. "Dig in people."

Quickly everyone was picking up pizza boxes to share or eat on their own, myself picking up a box for myself. As we all settled back into the couches, everyone switched around, Felicity and Oliver moving to sit together to share a pizza, Lena moving next to me with her own pizza box.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I smiled at her, shifting closer to her so our knees touched.

She lifted the lid of her pizza, the pepperoni pizza earned a smile but her eyes lit up as I opened mine to a plain cheese pizza. Without a word, I held my box up, moving it over to her and motioning for her to slide her pizza over to me. Switching pizzas, I grinned at the pepperoni pizza as Lena's own face lit up at having the plain pizza.

"Thank you." Lena didn't even look at me when she picked up the first piece of pizza. It wasn't until she had taken her first bite that she replied to her earlier question. "I'm okay. It's amazing here."

Smiling, I bit into my pizza, Barry jumping into our conversation after hearing Lena's reply. "I'm glad you're liking it here, I can't wait for you to see more of our Earth." His interruption of our conversation had more eyes on us, some curious about the woman at my side.

Felicity it seemed. was the only one to ask. "So, what's going on with you two?" We both had pizza in our mouths, me coughing slightly at the question, Lena the ever composed CEO didn't even bat an eye.

"What makes you think something is going on?" I glanced at Lena, confused but trying to hide it. I wasn't good at it.

A few chuckles circled the room. "Kara's reaction for one, plus the crinkle she's trying to hide." She smiled at me. "Let's not forget you two were holding hands earlier after that tension filled conversation when we got here." Smug Felicity was now definitely more annoying than a smug Lena or Alex.

I dropped the slice of pizza I was holding, marginally annoyed. "Okay, yes. We're together." It wasn't that I didn't want to tell everyone, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for them like this. It wasn't like I ever asked about their relationships.

Lena spared a glance at me, brow furrowed at my slight annoyance. "We've not been together long." Her hand rested on my arm, thumb rubbing gently, soothingly.

Oliver reached for one of the unopened beers on the table. "You don't have to tell us anything. I get wanting privacy." He threw the cap in the bin across the room, impressing Lena.

"So, I've talked to a few of you, but exactly how is it you all know each other? Kara has been rather vague on some details." I hadn't, in some cases, but in others yes. I mean does she really want to know about all times I've almost died saving the world?

Caitlin laughed. "I want to say I'm surprised, but somehow I'm not." They all exchanged looks, trying to work out who would talk first.

Barry started first. "So, I met Kara first when I accidentally travelled to Earth thirty-eight - your Earth - and couldn't seem to get back. That was three years ago now. Kara helped me get back home and then I came back a year later asking for help."

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