She didn't deny it

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"Yesterday, Supergirl foiled a plan of Lex Luthor's to bomb the city and kill her. This comes just days after she was defeated by a female Kryptonian whose name we don't know, but as you can see our city's hero was carried away unconscious by a tactical team usually seen working with the her. Until Supergirl appeared at the harbour, walking from the crowd to face the eldest Luthor, she had yet to be seen or heard from as we all assumed the worst." The news played on the TV drowning out the steady beeping of Kara's monitor.

"Lena Luthor is yet to make a statement about the attack yesterday, having been whisked away by the same team that removed Supergirl from the scene. Where they where both taken or the condition of Supergirl is currently unknown, but as you can see from the video currently on-screen our favourite Super didn't look too good." Sure enough a video of Kara being helped by Alex to the van played on-screen, the video most likely shot on someone's phone.

Running a hand through my hair, I muted the TV and slumped back in my chair. This isn't going to end well. Sure enough, my phone started ringing - or vibrated - as soon as the news finished on yesterday's incident, making me reach for it before it woke Kara. Cat Grant? I looked at Kara, her sleeping face lit up by the sun lamps and stood up, leaving the room to answer the call.

"Miss Grant?" Standing against the wall, I kept my voice low to avoid anyone noticing me.

Cat sighed on the other end of the phone. "Lena, thank God! Are you okay? Where are you?"

Now it was my turn to sigh. "We're okay. Battered and bruised but we'll live... for now."

There was shuffling on Cat's end of the phone, Ivy's voice coming through as Cat huffed in the background. "What do you mean 'for now'?" Of course she wouldn't like that particular wording.

"Nothing... but you can't say I don't have a lot of assassination attempts." I tried to give a small laugh, but it fell flat, the line silent for a moment.

"You aren't allowed to die. You can't die." Ivy sounded like she was ordering me not to die, like she had a say in such a thing.

I let my head fall back against the wall. "You can't control that Ivy, but I will try my best to stay alive."

More movement on the phone and suddenly I could hear Cat and Harley too. "Ya die and I'll bring ya back to kill ya."

"Lena, I know you don't want to think about this just now but your companies are floundering with the PR nightmare your silence is causing. Your assistant is handling everything and catching Miss Arias up, but something tells me she's also giving her an earful. I'm about to head to CatCo and head there for you since James is useless and fix that before my company does a hatchet job on the next issue."

I hadn't even thought about half of what she was saying, CatCo's next issue indeed meant to go for publication in two days. "Thank you, but it's my company."

Cat laughed. "Sure it is Lena." Harley and Ivy laughed too. "Let's just both pretend you didn't buy it for Kara or that it's her company whether either of you know it or not."

Now I didn't know what to say, she wasn't wrong; CatCo was Kara's. "Either way it's not yours." Why did I say that? At the very least I could have denied it?

"She didn't deny it." Harley clapped, no doubt grinning right now.

I looked to Kara's door, spotting Alex walking around the corner in my direction. "I've got to go, but do what needs to be done and nothing said on this call has been on the record. Get the issue out and Kara or myself will call you soon." Hanging up the phone just before Alex reached me, the scowl on her face told me everything I needed to know.

"You can't be calling people whilst you're here. We don't want anyone tracing it to this building." Her voice was harsh, but I just slipped my phone into my pocket, sighing.

"Don't worry, it was only Cat. She wanted to know we were okay and to let me know she was in town and headed to CatCo to take over since I'm here." Alex's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to start yelling so I cut her off. "Don't worry I told her anything said was off the record and she was just worried about Kara-" I should not have said that.

"SHE KNOWS?!" If she looked mad before, she was livid now. I definitely said the wrong thing.

I nodded. "She told us this week she's always known, since that first interview with Supergirl, but don't worry all Cat's worried about is Kara."

Alex gaped at me. "You want me not to worry that the Queen of All Media - a woman you just sent back to head CatCo for the next issue - knows Supergirl's identity."

When she said it like that it did sound bad, but Cat was harmless when it came to Kara, she loved to adorable puppy as much as me, something I was about to tell her when Alex's phone dinged with a message. Huffing at me, she pulled out her phone to look at who had text her, immediately storming to Kara's room and throwing open the door.

"What are you doing? She's asleep." I tried to stop her, but was met with a sweeping gesture showing Kara on her phone.

Alex stepped inside, leaving the door open for me to follow. "You are meant to be sleeping." Fixing her sister with a look, Alex's lips twitched up in a smile. Closing the door behind me, I took a look at Kara laying on the bed, she already looked better than she did yesterday when she was last awake.

Kara chuckled. "I was, but it's hard with you yelling outside my door." Alex looked down sheepishly while I sucked on my bottom lip. The last thing I had wanted to do was wake Kara up after everything this week. "Anyway, can I go home yet?"

"You want to go home?" I answered for Alex, confused as to why she'd want to leave already.

Kara looked at me with a small smile. "I've solar flared and it's going to take three of four days to get them back, regardless of whether I'm lying under these lamps or not."

I looked to Alex for help but she shrugged. "She's right." I sighhed. "Sun lamps only do so much when it comes to solar flaring." She looked at Kara. "You can go home on one condition, you can't be alone."

Kara frowned but Alex contineud. "No arguments. Reign is still out there and right now you have no powers to keep yourself from getting killed if she comes for you again."

Slumping back against the bed, Kara groaned. "So you want me to stay here until you finish work?"

I didn't think, my mouth working before my brain could rationalise my decision. "I'll stay with her."

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