"This isn't good."

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A/N - It's been a long time! Writer's block has been hell and I've just had no motivation. This month I have barely touched my laptop to write anything, it has been weird not writing and not wanting to write, but I'm back... I hope. Enjoy and I hope you stay with me as I continue this story.


Waking up in a dark forest with dead trees wasn't what Lena expected, then again, when had anything these last few weeks been what she expected. Fog wrapped around her feet; Alex stood next to her looking around. "Well, this isn't creepy at all."

Alex snapped off two branches from a nearby tree, drawing Lena's attention. "What are you doing?"

Making sure one end of the sticks was as sharp as she could make them, she turned back to Lena. "We don't know what's out there and I'd rather not find out when they try to kill us."

"We don't even know if anything here can be hurt."

Alex moved up to her and poked her, the sharp sting of the spike making her flinch. "Owch!" Putting a hand to her side where Alex had poked her, she glared at her.

"Let's move." Not even partially sympathetic to Lena's pain, Alex started moving down the only path surrounding the small clearing they had appeared in.

Not sure she had a choice but to follow, the last thing she wanted was to get lost here on her own, and she wanted to find Kara. It was creepy, what the fog didn't hide, the shadows did. The hairs on the back of her neck were stood up, had been since they arrived, something was out there. Something was watching them. Whatever was watching, it wasn't something they wanted to run into, wasn't something they wanted to hang around long enough for it to get bored of watching.

For a long time, the two of them wandered the small path in the middle of the creepy forest hoping to find some evidence of Kara or Sam. There was nothing, no indication they were heading the right way, everything looked the same. Although, in a dark, foggy, dead forest, it wasn't hard.

It was ridiculous, they'd come in here with no way of knowing what to do to save Sam, and Kara wasn't just waiting around for them to follow her. She was an oblivious idiot if she didn't think they'd follow. Lena had to physically shake her head to get rid of the thoughts calling Alex and her idiots, keeping the ones that wanted her to call Kara one. At least it would give her something to do when they caught up to her besides trying yell at her incoherently.

After what she guessed was an hour, she spotted carving in the bottom of a tree, the words clear and readable. 'RUBY' and 'MY NAME IS SAM' were not subtle as to the owner of them, but it did open a pit of worry in her stomach.

"This isn't good." Alex was staring at the words as they passed the first tree.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. "No. It isn't."

In silence the two of them continued, straining to hear anything that would point them towards Kara and hopefully Sam. Both ignored the clear shuffling of fabric in the darkness behind them. That was a problem for later.

It wasn't too much later that the writing on the trees happened again and again, becoming more frequent with each tree. Soon, it was on every tree they passed. Sam having carved the same two sentences over and over. This was worse than they thought.

Ahead, it was dark, but the distinct sound of sobbing echoed. Lena rushed forward. Curled up in the dirt, at the base of a tree carved to within an inch of its life with the same two sentences, was Sam.

Rushing to Sam's side, she ignored the bite in her knees as they hit the hard dirt, reaching for Sam's shoulder wanting to help her, let her know they were there. The moment her hand connected with her shoulder; Sam flinched.

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