"Am I really that obvious?"

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A/N - Long time no update! I am back with a chapter that I have struggled to write but I am pleased to say I know where this story is going now. I promise the next chapter will be longer with hopefully not as long to wait before it arrives. Thank you for being patient and continuing this story with me, I cannot wait to show you where this story is heading, but for now... Enjoy!


Kara sat on the roof of Catco looking out over the city. Everyone was going about their lives, each with their own problems and happiness that together made the city the one she loved. She could hear so much sat atop Catco but let it all drift into the background as the wind picked up, a fresh breeze she only managed to get above the bustling streets or in the clouds, calming and centring, something she needed right now.

It wasn't working though.

Her head wouldn't calm, the singular thought she had had in the conference room still lingered. One she hated but couldn't help thinking.

"Are you going to sit up there all day, or do you want to talk?" Cat's voice drifted up from the balcony below.

Sighing, Kara floated from her perch on the edge of the building and landed softly next to Cat. "Do you have some sixth sense for knowing when I'm here?"

Cat leaned against the balcony. "Yes. It's called security calling me about a certain hero moping on my roof."

Unable to help herself, Kara smiled. "Last I checked, you didn't own this building anymore."

She scoffed. "Please. Lena can own Catco but you, you're mine. I made you and everyone here knows it." Cat looked at her sideways. "Besides, they have instructions to notify me you're hanging around if I'm in the building."

Kara looked out over the city, not wanting to meet Cat's inquisitive gaze. "I always wondered how you knew I was hovering around."

Cat turned to face her, hip leaning on the balcony wall. "So, what brings my favourite hero to her preferred thinking grounds when she's avoiding a certain Luthor?"

Kara snapped to look at her, a terrible attempt at confusion and shock on her face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Laughter made her shoulders drop as Cat gave her a look. "Please, since she moved to town you have been hanging around less and less." Kara made to interrupt but Cat made her stop with her signature stare. "And it has nothing to do with the fact that I left."

Kara looked down, the sleeve of her suit suddenly interesting. "I saw the look on your face when you came back from the interview with Clark, she had you from the first words she spoke to you. Hell, she even called me to ask about you, not that I let that information slip, but the point I'm making is; this is something you don't want her to know about if you're sat here."

"What makes you think I didn't know she'd be here?" It was a weak excuse and they both knew it.

Cat turned to face the city, her gaze off Kara to let the girl breathe. "You two have been gone a few days and we both know that the first company she'll check on despite her very capable CFO is L-Corp. This is the last place she'd be her first day back but seeing as how you haven't been in either today, I'd say she's at that very non-descript high-rise you sneak off to when your second job requires your attention."

That got Kara's attention. No one knew where she went when she visited the DEO. She had been careful. How? Her unanswered question must have been written on her face because Cat gave her a look. "There are cameras everywhere Kara, did you really think you were that good at avoiding them?"

Her insinuation was clear. "Thank you."

Cat smiled. "I might have asked you for your name, but I'd never print your address or the DEO's in the paper. I'm a businesswoman, not completely evil." She turned her head to look at Kara. "Now, what's got you hiding?"

Kara bit her lip. "Reign."

"Ah." Cat looked more sombre at the mention of the villain.

"They told me about it, and I watched the CCTV footage, watched him throw another man into Reign's path so he could hide in a panic room lined with lead." She stopped as the anger flared again, eyes burning with the beginnings of heat vision. "And part of me wanted to hand him over on a silver platter." The words were strangled whispers, the thought of being heard devastating. She wasn't someone that thought like that, wanted to hand people over to killers like it was nothing, yet she still wanted to.

She could feel Cat looking at her, scrutinizing her. "I don't blame you. He is a sorry excuse of a human on his best day. You though, you are the best of us, and I don't mean to say that to shoulder more responsibility on your shoulders, but because after everything you have been through, you still see the best in us. We're flawed, it's human to be flawed and despite some opinions or your DNA, you are human. Your heart is human, and it is human not to want to help the person that makes you feel like less, that makes you hate yourself, but you also care too much about people to do something so selfish."

Kara scoffed. "Then what would you call my decision with Lena and the bombs? Because I know most of the press not owned by you are questioning my decision-making that day. Questioning my decision to save a Luthor over the rest of the city."

"And yet both are still standing." Cat tapped on the balcony wall. "I'd call it an impossible decision made by someone who should have been dead after the beating you took two days prior. You didn't have the power to get rid of the bombs in the city and you can't live without Lena, and we both know Lex would have blown all the bombs just to prove a point. You stopped him the only way you saw possible and blew your powers out in the process. Anyone who questions your decisions that day haven't paid enough attention to know you will save everyone you can, but that Lena comes first."

Sighing, Kara bit the inside of her cheek. "Am I really that obvious?"

Cat shrugged. "Only to the people that know you." The hint of a smile tugged at her lips. "Besides, I was living with you two in Hawaii remember."

"Hawaii feels like a lifetime ago."

A nod was her only response. The two stood in silence for several minutes, Kara's mind working loud enough Cat could feel her figuring out exactly what she was going to do. She could feel the moment Kara decided, the tension melted from her to be replaced by her signature Supergirl confidence.

"Know what you're going to do?"

Kara smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I just hope it doesn't kill me to do it."

"I know several people that won't let that happen." Smiling back at her, Cat looks to her former office. "And not that I would admit it to anyone else, I'm including me on that list."

The hero's smile turns to a grin. "Of course not. Thank you." With a final nod, she floats from the balcony and flies to a specific destination.

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