When did this happen?

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Alex stood in my doorway glancing between all of us, her gaze eventually settling on me with a scowl. "Explain, now."

"Theycametocheckonmeaftereverything, wemetthematthewedding." I spoke so quickly I had three very confused women in the room while Alex just sighed. This was not the morning I had planned, comfy clothes and movies was more what I was thinking.

Alex closed my door, striding over to the counter to put down the donuts still not taking her eyes off me. "You can't be serious right now? Kara you know the policy on revealing your identity, I'm already in a mountain of paperwork now that Lena knows." If she didn't sound so angry I would have found this whole thing funny, Alex practically whining over this whole situation was amusing.

I glanced at Lena for help but she just sipped her coffee and ignored me. "They were here when we got back and I didn't tell them, they already knew." 

It was the truth but I prayed to Rao that she wouldn't go all overprotective and try to arrest Harley and Ivy at least.

"If it helps matters, I've known since the our first interview." Cat smiled from her chair, eying the food on the table. "And these two are smart, a pair on glasses and a pony tail didn't fool them." That probably wasn't the best thing to say, Lena's gaze moving to glare at Cat, who wasn't fazed.

"What are you trying to say?" Raising an eyebrow, Lena dared Cat to say whatever she was going to say while I wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow me whole.

Harley glanced between Lena and I, a calculating glint in her eyes before she straightened. "Hold up. Why were ya askin if these two were decent when ya walked in?" Can't she miss anything? She spun to Alex standing near the donuts and with her eyes off me I stood up to grab Alex a coffee mug from the kitchen. Maybe getting coffee in her would make her less grumpy? Hopefully.

I thought only Ivy was paying attention to me, but Alex shouting my name when I stretched up for her mug said otherwise. "Kara!" Turning around I found everyone looking at me, Alex's eyes glued to my side, a frown forming on my face. "Your still injuried?"

I could feel the blood drain from my face, turning as pale as Harley almost. "Um... Uh..." I scratched the back of my head. "I-It's just some bruises." She looked like she was going to kick my ass back to the DEO and personally chain me under the sun lamps.

Alex tried to stride over to me, but Harley stepped in her way. "Get out of my way." Harley didn't even blink at Alex, in fact she didn't even look remotely bothered by her.

"All ya gonna do is drag her back to wherever ya work when she's safe here. The bruises are almost gone, already they're better than last night and being home and comfy will help recovery, mentally and physically." Now it was my turn to be confused.

"When did you see my bruises?"

Harley didn't move from her staring match with Alex. "When I covered you and Lena with a blanket after you collapsed on your bed." Surprising, out of everyone I wouldn't have thought Harley would be the one to be sweet.

Alex groaned at the tangent of conversation. "Can we get back to problem please?" I moved my focus from Harley to Alex, Lena and Cat sipping coffee out of the corner of my eye. Were those two seriously not going to help right now? "Kara you know the protocol, you aren't meant to leave if you're still injured."

I padded past Harley to stand next to Alex. "I know, but I just wanted to sleep in my own bed and without my powers the bruises aren't going to magically heal because you stuck me under sun lamps for another twelve hours." It was true and she knew it, taking me back would do nothing but ease her own mind.

Staring into my eyes she sighed and nodded. "Fine. But pull this stunt again and I will tell the others about..." She trailed off, my eyes going wide at the idea that she would bring it up.

Nodding vigorously, I tried changing the subject before anyone could ask her what she meant. "Yep, got it. Won't happen again. Now lets eat before Ivy's breakfast gets cold." I rushed to the table, taking my seat next to Lena for a second time, the debate of whether to ask evident on everyone's faces.

Harley spun on her toes to look at me. "Not yet. There is still the reason behind Alex's words when she walked in." Can't we catch a break? Meeting Lena's eye, I'm determined to leave this to her to wade through after hanging me out to dry just now.

"We were faking. Now we're not." Monotone and matter-of-fact like she wasn't just telling them we were actually dating. "Simple." There was a beat of silence, the energy practically buzzing in the air. She doesn't even hesitate, picking up the spoon for the fruit bowl Ivy set out.

"When did this happen?" Cat is trying (and failing) to stop herself from grinning. If she wanted an exclusive she was getting more than she would ever be able to tell anyone.

I smiled at her. "You can't use any of this, you know that right?"

Her smile dropped slightly as she realised what I meant. "I guess I still have the fake story you two made up while at the wedding." 

Lena brushed my hand under the table, grabbing my attention and I could see what she was thinking in that brilliant brain of hers so gave her a subtle nod.

"How about this Cat, you can get the exclusive for CatCo but only if you all let the subject go so we can eat?"

A chorus of agreements came our way, all of us wanting to dig into the spread before us, even Alex agreed and reached for the orange juice on the table. Expectantly, I went for the pancakes, stacking five onto my plate before anyone could object. Within minutes the whole table was empty, all of us having eaten as much as we could muster but my eyes itched to wonder to the box Alex had brought with her.

I couldn't help but think of what Edge had said last week, zoning out for a moment as his words sounded in my head. The sweet smell of donuts brought me back, Ivy holding a donut out to me as Harley and Lena wash up in the kitchen.

"I'm go-" I didn't even finish rejecting the offered treat when I was interrupted.

"Going to take this from me before I'm dealing with a hyper Harley all day? Why thank you Kara." Smiling at me, she left her hand outstretched for me to take the donut from her. Happy I took the donut from her, immediately biting into the sugary goodness of chocolate glaze and sprinkles.

The taste after a week had me letting out a small moan, I couldn't believe how much I had missed the taste of donuts. Perhaps that wasn't the best thing to do as I noticed Lena still, her hands stopping mid-air, a glass almost back on its shelf. It was only for a few moments, but I wasn't the only one to notice if Harley's burst of laughter was anything to go by.

"Kara, when you're done assaulting my eardrums over a donut I need you to come in for a check-up. An hour, that's it. Brainy just has a few things he wants to look through with you to better determine a few things." At the mention of Brainy, my mind froze. "He's a friend of Mon-El's and he's really good."

If she thought I'd frozen because of the unfamiliar name, she was wrong. Lena had already gone stiff next to me, the subject of Mon-El one we had yet to talk about. "Okay, give me a few minutes and I'll meet you outside."

Eying me for a few moments Alex eventually turned and left, the door falling shut behind her and in her absence the room had fallen silent with unanswered questions. It wasn't hard for anyone to realise that Lena was still stiff, her movements quick and deliberate. I knew she wasn't happy we hadn't spoken about Mon-El, but as I tried to make way over to her, she breezed past me to collect her bag and coat the others had put by the door.

"Jess has messaged, I'm needed at L-Corp immediately. I'll see you later." And gone, the door shutting behind her.

If the silence when Alex left had been awkward, this one was unbearable, the others pretending they hadn't just seen Lena leave like she was on fire. The scraping of a mag across my table turning my attention away from my front door.


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