"Is this room lined with lead?"

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A/N - Twice in one day!!! I live by the rule of updating the moment a chapter is ready and I couldn't help but write this as soon as I had finished the last chapter. This is rare and may never happen again but I cannot wait to write what happens next now that I know where I want this to go. Although don't think a third update will happen (even if I want to write it right now) I want to start A Court of Sliver Flames as I have been waiting for it to arrive! Enjoy this update and next up will be the final showdown! Reign vs. Supergirl. Who do you think will win?


Edge's hospital room wasn't hard to find and the guards on duty didn't stop her from entering, even if the whole floor was looking at her as she passed them. It was strange, but not something she was unused to at this point, most stopped to look at her when she was in the suit if they weren't in immediate danger.

Thankfully, this time she was much steadier on her feet than she had been the last time she had walked around instead of landed exactly where she wanted to be, but she doubted breaking the hospital window in Edge's room would win her many points when she could walk through the front door. She didn't need telling where to go, her hearing fixed on the monitor's in Edge's room the moment she overheard a nurse mention the room number at the nurse's station on the fifth floor.

Inside the room, she left the door open, open for anyone to listen if they wanted to and she knew they would. What she had to say wasn't going to be a secret. The world needed to see she wasn't perfect, needed to understand she was human.

It was fortunate he was awake when she entered, not long awake either if what she had heard was correct, his breathing tube had only just been removed if his wheezing was any indication. He opened his mouth to say something when he looked at her, but she stopped him.

"I wouldn't speak if I were you, your throat is going to be sore for a day or two after having a tube in it, trust me." It was a tid-bit of information that along with this entire conversation would make it to the news at some point today, assuming she lived that long.

Wisely, Edge closed his mouth but looked at her expectantly. Ignoring him, she walked to the bedside table and poured him a small cup of water and held it up for his good arm to take. "Broken ribs, a fractured arm and internal bleeding. You got off easy, although that can happen when you push another man into her path to give yourself time to hide."

He paled more, which Kara found impressive, but he took the offered cup and sipped. "Part of me – not a small part either – wants to drag you from this bed and hand you over to her. Today, I was told why she targeted you and while I keep track of the civilian casualties reported after every fight I have in this city, I wish I could say the number was zero, but because of you it's higher than it should be. Lives are never worth more than a profit margin or pride."

She stopped, Edge eyeing her warily as though she was indeed about to drag him from his hospital room and to Reign's waiting feet. "My Mother's pride saw to Krypton's destruction. Because of her, her unwavering belief that she was right – that her way was the right way – cost my people their lives, meant that I watched my planet explode into millions of pieces from a pod that kept me asleep reliving that event for two decades before I made it here."

Smiling, she tilted her head slightly, ignoring the silence in the corridor outside the room. "What I'm getting at, is that I really don't like people who have decided they are better than everyone else in the room simply because they think they're the smartest. People like you. You have proven time and time again that the lives of others mean nothing to you." Looking as sweet as an angel, anyone that couldn't hear her would think she was saying he was happy to see him.

"So, while I'm not going to drop you at Reign's feet for her to do with what she will, I want you to understand something." She dropped her smile and moved to the end of his bed. "As of right now, you have all of my attention."

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