Your CV never mentioned MIT?

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Storming out of the DEO, I managed to get outside without being spotted by Alex, who would no doubt ask why I looked like I'd burn a hole through concrete if I had my powers. Outside, people were going about their day, nothing wrong, as though a secret government agency wasn't next to their office or favourite café.

Walking with the flow of the crowded streets, I thought about the last few weeks, or two weeks. Fake dating Lena, the best decision I've ever made was overshadowed by fighting Reign and Lex's plan to kill me. Thinking about these past few weeks, images of my fight with Reign came to mind; blood on my hands, her blurry image holding me over the edge of a building, falling.

Blinking, I shook my head slightly, attempting to rid my mind of the worst fight I've been in. I hadn't meant to, but I stopped while I tried to centre myself in the bustling city life and recognised the buildings around me. CatCo.

CatCo stretched to the sky, the main offices lining the top floors, including Lena's office. Despite not being in the best attire for work, I thought it would be wise to check in and get some work to do at home. May as well let Snapper know I'm alive.

It sounded like a good idea, popping into work would look good since I knew whatever lie James had managed to spin wouldn't last forever. Taking a week off and then getting 'sick' wasn't going to go well with Snapper, not unless I could get him a good scoop on Supergirl or something. The man at the security desk stared at me while I waited to get through to the elevators, but I shrugged it off since I was walking into the building in a sweatshirt and jeans.

Waiting for the elevator, I realised I was getting glances from several others waiting as well. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach when the doors opened for the elevator. Riding up to my floor took forever, every floor seemingly pressed before the doors could open to the bustling top floor of CatCo, everyone rushing around for their next deadline.

Without thinking, I headed towards Snapper's office, stopping short when I saw everyone sneaking looks in the direction of Lena's office. What are they looking at? From where I was standing, I could see Snapper yelling at another reporter, waving paper around before throwing it down on his desk and I thought it would be best to loop around by Lena's office first.

The doors were closed, not something that happened much anymore but today, it seemed like they had been closed for a while. Lena was having a heated discussion with Cat Grant, both trying not to look like they were mad and failing. Whatever was wrong, it was big. Regardless of my relationship with Lena or the fact she seemed mad at me earleir, I realised I had better talk to Snapper and hope whatever was wrong could be sorted soon.

If not, tonight might be awkward unless Cat has found somewhere else to sleep other than my couch. Turning around, I walked straight into someone, the large stack of folders in their arms falling to the floor. "Oh gosh! I am so sorry." I bent down to help pick up the folders, the woman I had bumped into doing the same. Eve... meaning this was super important. "Gosh Eve, I am really sorry."

She smiled at me, picking up another handful of papers. "Don't worry about-"

"Keira!" Cat's voice rang out over the floor, everyone apparently staring at me helping Eve pick up the contents of the folders she'd been carrying. "Now."

I paled, glancing at Eve kneeling opposite me on the floor. "You'd better go, they've been in at each other for over an hour." Standing, I paled even further as I realised she was holding the door open for me to join her and Lena in the office. Why was I being brought into this?

Lena was cold when I smiled at her, ignoring me entirely as she looked out at the people glancing this way to watch the unfolding drama. I waited for the door to close behind Cat before I asked my question. "What's wrong?"

Cat strode past me, standing behind her desk like old times and glaring at me behind her glasses. "The problem Kara, is Edge has decided your 'fake' relationship is now front page news. He gave the Daily Planet images of you two in Hawaii being all cosy." I paled, I was practicaly a ghost.

There were several times during the trip that I wasn't wearing my glasses, trusting the seclusion of the place to provide more than enough protection from prying eyes, had I been wrong? What had I done?

Lena recognised the fear in my eyes. "Don't worry, you're safe." Hearing her talk to me, I let out a breath I didn't think I'd been holding, but at least Lena wasn't completely mad at me. "There were some close calls, but otherwise you're safe." I could see she wanted to do something, smile or take my hand, but she kept glancing to the doors, the people watching and I knew what was stopping her. She wasn't sure what people would think. I was her employee and had done every article on her, some of which were now biased because of our 'relationship' we created for the wedding.

I nodded. "I guess that tells me why people were staring at me in the lobby." Lena frowned as Cat turned her laptop towards us slightly.

The Daily Planet's headline was juicy if you didn't read the whole thing 'LENA LUTHOR'S SECRET AFFAIR'. It made it sound like we were cheating. "Who would they even get to write this? A little low brow for the Daily Planet, isn't it?" I looked at the two of them, Lena avoiding my gaze.

"I called you several times, no doubt Alex has too since you left the DEO, she even called me to see if you were with me since they couldn't track your signature with solar flaring." At Lena's words I pulled out my phone, it was off.

I never turned it back on after leaving the DEO.

Turning it on, I started getting notifications for missed called and voicemails from Alex, Lena and Cat. "Sorry, I was walking around the city."

Cat waved her hand. "You're here now and as for your question, they had Lois Lane write the article." I froze at the name. How could she write this?! What was she thinking writing this?!

As though she knew her name had been mentioned, her name popped up on my phone with in incoming call. Sliding the lock across, I answered, stopping her before she could say anything. "What were you thinking!?" I turned to look out at the city. "Actually, meet me at my apartment, both of you because I know he's listening." Hanging up the phone, I turned to find Cat and Lena staring at me shocked.

"Who was that?" Cat raised an eyebrow at me.

Pushing my glasses up my nose, I clenched the phone in my hand for once wishing I could crush it. "Lois Lane."

Cat's jaw dropped. "Since when do you have Lois Lane's number?" It took her a second but she answered her own question. "Superman."

I sighed and looked at Lena, a small smile appearing on my lips. "Would you like to come with me for this conversation or stay as far from my cousin as you can?"

Smirking, she raised an eye brow. "And miss you yelling at Superman? No chance." She picked up her bag from the couch, looking at Cat. "Set up an interview for tomorrow morning - a complete exclusive done by youself for immediate release."

Nodding, Cat turned her gaze from Lena to myself, her eyes catching the University on my sweatshirt. "You're CV never mentioned MIT?"

I smiled. "No, it doesn't."

Letting Lena lead the way, we made our way from the office with everyone's eyes on us until the doors closed on teh CEO's private elevator.

A/N: On the 14th August I will be without my laptop for a week and unable to update. Hopefully I will get another chapter out before then but if not I will update as soon as I am back.

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