"Don't leave me."

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A/N - I had planned for this to be up at the end of last week, but I got my vaccine and did not anticipate being as tired as I was afterwards and the following few days... totally worth it though. Finally able to get this finished and up. Enjoy!


The DEO erupted into a rush of activity once Alex remembered how to move, ordering people around before she could leave the Conference Room. Brainy stared blankly between them and the balcony Kara had just left through.

"Someone please put me the news up!" News channels filled the screens, none of them showing anything interesting as the anchors talked.

Lena spurred into action, leaving the Conference Room to follow Alex down to the main level and just as she hit the bottom of the stairs the news channels all steadily changed to an image of Supergirl stood on top of Catco.

"Why does she keep using Catco? Insurance is going to skyrocket after this." Lena grumbles, already knowing that phone call is going to be anything but fun.

Alex sighed. "Brainy, I assume she took what you were working on?"

He nodded. "I'm afraid so."

"Do you have more?"

He tilted his head. "There are two more, but it will take some time to get them ready. I did not anticipate Supergirl taking the other two from me so soon."

Both women spun to face him. "You anticipated this?!"

"Of course. There was a ninety-nine percent chance that Supergirl would do everything in her power to keep the two of you away from this fight – keep everyone from this fight – but the odds were low on her doing it so soon." Brainy looked so confused as he looked up to the screens, to Kara standing on a rooftop in the city waiting for Reign.

Lena stepped towards Brainy. "We need those remaining devices working before Reign shows up."

Movement on the screens stopped Brainy from replying. "I'm afraid it's too late for that." Barry nodded towards the screen. Reign now floated several feet above Supergirl.

"Now, Brainy!" Alex ordered and he scurried off to the lab.

Lena couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen, the stand-off could have been a frozen if their capes didn't move in the wind. Please God, I know I don't do this ever, but if you keep her alive, I swear I'll start. She silently preyed for Kara to remain alive, the best she could do for her from here.

"I'll go and see if I can help." Barry was already in his suit, but no one tried to stop him, Caitlin and Cisco knowing they couldn't do anything to help against Reign no matter how much they wanted to.

"Be safe." Caitlin's words were answered with a bolt of yellow lightning arcing from the room as Barry appeared on the news a moment later next to Supergirl.

"Please don't do this." Lena breathed, preyed Kara would hear her and turn around. "Don't leave me."

Almost as though Kara knew the camera was focused on her, she looked directly at it – at Lena. She didn't say anything, but Lena knew that look. Kara was sorry. Sorry for once again doing something stupid and reckless. Something to keep Lena safe at her own expense, something she might not come home from.

It was part of the life Kara led, impossible fights only The Girl of Steel could take on, but it didn't make it easier. Easier would be the two of them able to live without the constant threat to their lives, but then they wouldn't be who they are, would they? Would they be the people they were without the threats to their lives?

She knew the answer. No, they wouldn't.

Being a Luthor was the only reason Kara walked into her office with Clark that first day, the only reason she had to save her life so many times. Being Supergirl meant Lena didn't have to worry if the next assassination attempt by some low-level thugs would cost her the persons she loved most, while simultaneously meaning there was a high chance her own family could be the people to take Kara from her.

But right now, no amount of human genius could stop what was about to happen. Reign was too strong, too quick for her to fight, her brute strength shattered any attempt at a plan they had. Please God let what she's about to do work.

They all moved. Too quick for the camera to see, one moment they were stood still, the next Barry was laying on the ground unmoving as Kara held Reign in a chock-hold. Or tried to. In another blur of movement Kara was hovering a few feet above the building, Reign most likely having thrown her over her shoulder.

It was torture. Lena couldn't look away, not as Kara shot heat vision at Reign only to miss. This fight was different – slower – if that was possible with these two. Her only saving grace was that they weren't moving just yet, meaning the cameras were getting almost all of the action – every strategic punch and blast of heat vision Kara was dealing out.

None of it made a difference.

Reign wasn't even laboured, not a drop of sweat on her. What was worse, was that Barry still hadn't moved from the corner of the roof.

"Cisco, you said you make portals and stuff, right?" She didn't wait for a reply and pointed at the screen. "Go and get Barry out of there but be quick. He hasn't moved and while it's a risk to have you there I don't want to have to tell Iris we didn't try to get him back here before it got too bad up there."

It wasn't her place to order him about, but she really didn't want to have that conversation and when she did glance at Cisco, he was already suited up. "I was already on it."

Nodding, she turned back to the screen to watch the fight – or the staring contest.

"Brainy! How much longer on those devices?" Alex spoke into her comms while in much the same state as Lena.

Lena couldn't hear but based on the sigh that came from Alex a moment later, it wasn't the news they were hoping for.

Kara and Reign blurred again, stopping with Reign holding Kara in a choke hold much like Kara had done at the start of the fight. With her strength it wouldn't take much to seriously hurt Kara, but as the screens moved to a close-up of the two women, Kara wasn't even struggling to get free.

She didn't blink, but one moment Reign looked a moment from snapping Kara's neck and the next a white object sat in the centre of her forehead. A moment of silence fell, Reign didn't move, the world stopped.

The camera's caught the moment she went slack; her arm loosened around Supergirl and she swayed for a moment. Stunned. Her eyes drooped. She fell backwards.

Everyone had been so focused on Reign that no one noticed Supergirl place the same object on her own head, instead capturing the moment she too dropped to the ground of Catco's roof.

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