This is going to be fun

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Arriving at L-Corp, we walked past a few cameras, but thankfully no where near as many as earlier, most of them having moved on to somewhere or someone else. Moving through the building was easy, security didn't even look twice at Caitlin with Lena or at myself, letting us pass without an issue.

It wasn't until we were in the elevator heading straight for the top floor that any of us spoke. "That was easy."

Lena smiled. "Of course it was. Now let's find Sam before the board realises I'm back." She didn't elaborate but whatever the reason was this time, I knew she didn't like talking to the board, even less in person.

As we climbed the floors of L-Corp, Caitlin glanced between us, her gaze settling on me. "So, Kara. How have you been since I last saw you?"

I adjusted my glasses. "Um, not too bad. I went to another wedding in Hawaii for a week, that was fun."

She nodded. "That sounds like fun. I take it your sister looked after everything for you while you were away?"

"Yeah, it was her idea to go to be honest." The elevator stopped, dinging as we reached the top floor, stopping our conversation. "I'm glad I went." I couldn't help but glance at Lena, hoping Caitlin didn't see it as we all got off onto the main floor. Like always, the top floor was empty, no one walking the halls compared to the lower levels and ground floor.

Lena strode through the halls, CEO mode in full effect and stopping the very few people we saw from trying to talk to her, some even choosing to clear the hallway as soon as they saw her coming.  Sam's office door soon came into view around the corner, her assistant not even paying us attention as we approached, most likely used to Lena walking in whenever she wanted.

The heavy door didn't even slow her down, Lena pushing it open like it weighed nothing. Sam's office was the same sleek, modern design as Lena's, but it was warmer, pictures of Ruby scattered everywhere, along with a few games for the girl when Sam needed to work late. It was surprising, how different two identical places could be with a few simple personal touches.


The CFO looked up from the paperwork on her desk. "Lena? I thought you were working from CatCo today?" Standing, she walked around to hug her boss, the two embracing for a moment before pulling away.

"I was, but some things came up and it turns out someone's been in Kara's apartment." So we weren't going with pleasantries. Sam looked shocked, but Lena continued. "Ivy said you stopped by and we were wondering if you saw anything out of place while you were there? The other two were useless at noticing anything amiss, but said you may be able to help."

I didn't know how asking for her help would let us know if she had the device, but I trusted Lena, letting her take the lead, Caitlin having the same idea. Sam frowned. "I'm sorry to hear about that Lena, but I can't help you. When I realised you two weren't home I thanked Harley and Ivy for letting me in and left. Do you know what's been taken?"

"This is why I was hoping you'd say you had it. I took a personal project to Kara's with me when I thought I wouldn't be coming in for a while. It's no where near ready, but when it is, I was going to unveil it to the board. Now, if they realise I've let even one piece of L-Corp technology fall into the wrong hands, they're going to try and get me out." Lena sold the lie easily, fooling even me for a moment, as I let my eyes widen for a moment.

It was only Caitlin elbowing me slightly that I realised she was lying, but it did make Sam stop to think a little harder. "God Lena, I didn't even realise you were working on something but I'll let you know if I hear anything. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if someone on the board pulled this stunt to get you out."

While this cleared Sam, it left us with an even bigger problem... who had it? Quick goodbyes saw us back in the elevator, standing together a little more disheartened at the lack of answers.

"At least we know it wasn't Sam." Caitlin said, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen at the lack of answers.

I nodded. "But that means that we have no idea who could have it?"

We fell back into a silence for a few floors when Caitlin spoke up again. "I might have an idea to track who has it, but we need to go back."

Lena frowned. "We're going back to the apartment now, we should be there soon."

Caitlin sheepishly looked at me. I spoke before she could. "You don't mean my apartment, do you?"


Opening my apartment door, Barry met us, his face saying he wanted answers when he didn't even speak.

"She didn't have it, but I have an idea." Caitlin smiled. "We need to go back to Star Labs so I can talk to Cisco, but it should work. No, I'm not telling you before I talk to Cisco." She moved to sit down next to Harley on the couch, the TV forgotten in the background.

Barry nodded. "Since we're already here, do you want to come early and stay a few extra days? I know we'll all love having you around more." He asked me.

My instant answer wanted to be 'yes' but Alex would kill me if I didn't at least run it by her as part of the DEO. "Let me call Alex." I pulled out my phone and called Alex, already dreading the conversation to come.

"What's up Kara?" Alex voice sounded strained, like she was busy.

"Is this a bad time?" Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Not at all, just give me... one... second." Crashing sounded over the line, Alex now obviously in a fight and talking over her comms, so I gave her a moment and sure enough, she started talking again. "Alright, you have my attention. What's wrong?"

Clearing my throat, I took a breath. "Barry and Caitlin are here, someone's stolen my inter-dimentional portal device thing but we don't know who. They've said since I was meant to be there in a few days anyway and now with no way to get there, I could get a lift with them... now."

"Are you being serious? You don't have your powers and something bad always happens when you all get together." Alex shouted.

"Nothing is going to happen this time, the crossover for the year has already been done. Besides, Star Labs might be able to help finding a way to get my powers back quicker, with all the technology they have." That was a stretch and we both knew it."

"Uhhhh... Fine, but if it goes bad I want you back here right away. You're no use to either Earth dead because you were reckless without your powers." This was sounding too easy, but why question it.

"I will, don't worry." I gave Barry a thumbs up and he smiled.

"Have a good time, because I'm guessing you're going to be gone by the time I'm home?" She chuckled.

"Probably. I'm going to let Harley and Ivy stay at my place while I'm gone but would you please look in a few times to make sure Harley hasn't smashed everything I own with a baseball bat?" Harley gaped at me, not amused by my comment but she burst into laughter at my pointed look, knowing I was right.

"No problem. See you soon and have fun." With that the line went dead, more crashing reaching my ears barely before it was completely cut off. She was in another fight.

Lena cleared her throat as I put my phone back in my pocket. "You want to leave right now?"

I ran a hand down my face, there was no way Lena would be able to leave today. "It would make it easier without my own device, but we don't have to if you can't get away so soon." If Lena couldn't go, neither of us did. I knew how much she wanted to see another Earth.

She folded her arms, eyes glinting as she pursed her lips. "I guess with Cat back at CatCo for the moment I could ask her to stay an extra week and Sam's got L-Corp in hand now. We'll only be gone for five days, right?"

"Four days until the party and then the day after makes five, hopefully we find out who stole Kara's device before then, so yes. Five days and you will be back here, safe and sound." Barry smiled, no doubt wanting to get back to Iris as soon as possible.

With a sigh, Lena smiled. "Let me at least pack a bag first."

I grinned, fist pumping the air one in celebration. "This is going to be fun."

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