Part 49 - Plan B

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Part 49


It's already been a month since that night. Blinded by temper and impatience, that day I married the woman who was genuinely my friend and a colleague. For the first days I wasn't able to even face Riya but then after Riya and I talked, things are much better between us right now. Thankfully she didn't misinterpreted my decision of marrying her in the bad way like I had thought she might. The way Riya handled herself and the rest of the family to accept our decision is definitely very praiseworthy.

I never really thought that Riya would be so calm, composed and sorted out after such a big mishap. I kinda pictured her crying, screaming, losing hope and blaming me for what I did, but she didn't really do anything like that.

Even in the headquarters no one knows about what happened between me and Riya, and Riyaa... She's been acting as if nothing happened back in Rajasthan and she's still just my junior which she off course is. I know... I know... I should be kind of happy about it that this... All of this what happened between us is not that important to her but... But weirdly the fact that Riya doesn't seem to be as worked up as me on this matter is making me uncomfortable. It's more like I want her to be as worked as I am. But all my thoughts get disturbed as I hear a knock on the door followed by a familiar voice ;
" May I come in sir..?? "
Riya asks as she peeks inside whole I'm seated in my place with a file in a hand and spinning my pen in the other one.

Gathering myself from the previous thoughts that I had, I say ;
" Yess... "

" If you're not very busy, can I talk about to you on something..?? "
Riya asks as she enters my cabin and loses the door behind her.

" Sure.. Go ahead..!!
Sit.... "
I say as I keep my eyes fixed on the file in my hands despite my entire mind is focused on Riya.

" Actually I.... I..... Okay... I'll try my best to not beat around the bush and get straight to the point. I was thinking that maybe we should file for a divorce..!!! "
Riya blunts out all of a sudden as I stare at her all bewildered at her words.

" Divorce

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" Divorce..!!?? "
Is all what I manage to repeat.

" Yesss divorce..!!
After all what happened.. Our families are not directly forcing us to be together but it's very clear with their words and actions that deep down they want us to give this weddd.... This relationship a chance..!!
But you and I...
We've already talked about this..
We're very clear that what happened should not have happened and that we don't want any further complications in life. So I was thinking that by filling for divorce, our families will no longer have any kind of false hope for us.! "
Riya further adds on nervously however making sense about what why we should do so but still there's this weird feeling going on all over my body as she speaks.

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