Chapter 1:

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Ava Swan never really felt like she fit in anywhere. she was never mistreated and her family always tried to include her, but she just never felt like she belonged.

She was similar to her sister in some ways but also very different. Her sister was awkward, clumsy, and sometimes a bit selfish. Ava was always more quiet, she liked to keep to herself for the most part.

She didn't cower under someones' gaze like Bella sometimes did; she always stood her ground and refused to back down.

Ever since the accident she suffered eight years ago she was reluctant to let people in, she always had a tight lid on her emotions. She didn't want to give someone that much power over her heart because she was afraid of depending on people. She didn't want to be left alone again.

People always comment on how different Ava looks compared to her sister. She didn't look like Bella because she was adopted and it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

Ava was shorter that her sister and her body was very slender. Her sun kissed skin was one of the major things she didn't have in common with her pale sister.

One of the only things she did have in common with her sister was their hair, Ava's hair was pin straight and only came down to rest on her shoulders. Her face was more defined and angular, compared ti her sisters round face, making her look like the oldest out of the two.

Sometimes Ava can come off as rude because of her lack of expression. Her full pouty lips were always relaxed along with her full, well kept, eyebrows making her hard to approach.

That along with her anger issues was enough to drive people away. Ava might not look like she could take someone down but just ask the kid she sent to the hospital in elementary school for picking of Bella.

It was a scary feeling for her to only see red and blindly attack, but that's what happened when she got too angry. The parent of the kid decided to not press charges as long as Ava got her anger under control.

She was told she had anxiety, which caused her anger to flare up more than others. So she as prescribed medication to help her control her anger and have somewhat of a normal life without beating people up whenever they pushed her buttons.

While the medication helped, music was always her way of keeping calm. She loved to play the violin, the way the music danced in her ears singing its soft melody, as if telling her that everything would be okay.

So when she was twelve Renee bought Ava a violin with her name carved in the back. Renee always worried about the girl as she was always alone and never tried tog o out and make friends. She always noticed how music calmed the girl and thought it would make a great birthday present.

Not many people hate their birthday, but Ava did. That was the day when everything went to shit. Everyone in her family knew this so they always did small things to let her know they hadn't forgotten. Sometimes they would pack everyone in the car and go on a trip, or they would buy dessert for everyone and put a candle on Ava'a without saying anything.

But presents in boxes had never been something they thought he girl would appreciate, so Renee was nervous to give Ava the gift she had bought her for her 12th birthday. She carefully made her way to the young girls' room and knocked softly before entering.

When Renee had given her the present the girl froze for a moment before accepting the box and carefully opening it. When she saw the Violin her eyes widened. She ran her fingers over the curves of the wood as if to make sure it was real.

She looked at Renee with a slight smile and said a soft 'thank you' before going back to admiring the instrument in front of her.

When Renee left Ava's bedroom she breathed a sigh of relief before smiling at the memory now engraved in her mind.


Author Note:

I know mental illness is a very serious thing so I want to make sure I don't offend anyone reading this. I did a little bit of research but I'm not 100% certain on how anger and anxiety work together.

 I just really wanted to address this but I really hope you all enjoyed this first chapter of introducing Ava Swan.

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