Chapter 14:

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Ava is sitting on her hospital bed as she thinks back on the events that happened. 

Edward had told her the cover story they were going with, that he came to pick her up and take her to convince Bella to come back home and ended up trying to save Bella when she fell down two flights of stairs. 

But Ava hadn't spoken to anyone since the incident.

Renee and Charlie were very worried about her because she wasn't eating, talking, sleeping, or really doing anything but staring at her mother's wedding ring. 

The doctors came in and changed her bandages on her shoulder but she didn't really care what was going on around her. 

All she knew was that her sister's boyfriend and his family were vampires and Bella knew this yet still stayed with him, she could have endangered her whole family.

"Ava." Says Edward as he sees the girl. 

He tried not to go into her mind anymore since it was so chaotic right now that it hurt his head.

"Your sisters awake." He says, he felt bad about what had happened to her, the whole family did, especially Rosalie and Emmett, were mad that they couldn't have protected her better. 

They all knew how important she is going to be in the future and still almost got her killed.

"That's a pretty ring." He says and she stops playing with it before slowly looking up at him with her tired green eyes.

"That guy." She says and Edward knows she's talking about James.

"He can't hurt you anymore." He says and Ava shakes her head.

"Who killed him?" She says and Edward doesn't know what to say.

"Ava." He starts but she cuts him off.

"Was it me?" She asks and Edwards sees her clutching her hands tightly.

"No." He says and she lets out a breathe of relief.

"I lost control." She says and Edward remembers the murderous look in her eyes as she was looking at James when he got there. 

She was ready to kill him and it was hard to stop her.

"I don't like losing control like that." She says and Edward nods while looking at her sadly. 

He understood the fear of losing control, he feared he would lose control around Bella all the time and even almost killed her because of his loss of control. 

He then leaves when Charlie walks in. Charlie wasn't as mad that he was the cause of Bella leaving. 

He was mad that he had dragged Ava into it when she was safe at home.

 "Hey kiddo." He says while taking a seat next to her bed.

"I'm sorry." She says as tears start to run down her face and Charlie stand up with worry.

"What are you sorry about?" He says but Ava just can't stop the tears from falling. 

She wasn't one to ever cry, but now it was like a normal everyday thing for her and she hated it. 

Charlie just hugs her the best he can trying to calm her down.


Bella was going to the prom with Edward but Ava stayed home, she needed a quiet day and prom was not the way to go. 

She was sitting on the couch covered in a large blanket that Charlie had placed on her when Edward came to get Bella. 

Ava's arm was in a sling, just her luck now she had to wait even longer to be able to draw.

Edward looked at the small girl but she didn't look up at him once as she watched TV. 

Charlie had started to get very overprotective over the young girl since the accident. 

So he cleared his throat when Edward looked at Ava and Edward quickly averted his eyes. Knowing that now getting to be Ava's friend was going to be a hard task for the Cullen family.

When they left Charlie sat with Ava on the couch as they watched TV. 

He would look at the small girl every now and then making sure she was comfortable.

"How you feeling Ava?" He asks and Ava shrugs her good shoulder. 

She knew he was worried about her but she was running out of ways to say she was okay because of the number of times he had asked her that same question.

"Better." She says and Charlie smiles at her. 

Ava didn't think she was ever going to feel okay. She was so scared of losing control again that she just focused on keeping herself under control instead of enjoying life like a normal 17 year old. 

But she was determined to make sure she never again got that murderous look in her eyes, that feeling where you only see red and nothing can stop you. 

But things don't always turn out like we plan them, do they.


Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading this book, sadly this is the end but not to worry for I am working on book two and will hopefully release it soon. 

Until then I hope you are all doing well and stay tuned for book two of this twilight series.  

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