Chapter 4:

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Bella's truck belches loudly as she parks making everyone turn their head to look at the two girls who make their way out of the truck.

Bella's sneakers get soaked from a puddle she stepped in and she shyly lowers her head as she makes her way into the school. Ava walks with her head held high as she glares at anyone who stared too long at her already uncomfortable sister.

They had gotten their schedules and had no classes together except for gym because Ava was taking most of her classes at a different grade level. They where looking for their first classes, well Bella was since Ava had already found hers and was just helping her sister.

"You're Isabella Swan and Ava Swan, the new girls. I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need. Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on." He says and Ava just resists the urge to roll her eyes.

"I'm kind of the suffer in silence type." Answers Bella knowing her sister won't say anything.

Eric just keeps talking and Ava just waits impatiently, but after a while she gets tired of hearing his annoying voice and just grabs her sisters arm and walks away from him.


During gym class both of the girls were in gym clothes. The boys; basket ball team runs drills on half of the court while the other half is occupied by the girls' playing a volleyball game.

Bella actively avoids the ball as Ava does the opposite. She used to be on the volleyball team at her old school so she was pleased to know that they were going to be playing today.

"Block it, Chloe! Yeah! Good Attack!" Says Jessica the energetic team captain.

Unfortunately the ball flies towards Bella who closes her eyes and Ava watches as Bella hits the ball sending it flying into the other side of the gym and against some guy's head.

"Ow!" He exclaims making Bella run towards him to retrieve the ball looking embarrassed.

"Are you alright? I warned them to not make me play." She says.

"It's only a flesh wound." He replies with a smile, then the bell ring signaling that class is over.

"You're Isabella right?" Asks the boy.

"Just Bella." She says, then she feels an arm brush again her and knows its Ava and she feels relieved.

"I'm Mike. Newton." He says then staring at Bella for too long clearly taking her in. This makes Ava glares at him. When he looks over at Ava and immediately looks away when he sees her glare. Suddenly Jessica steps in between them and nudges Mike.

"She's got one hell of a spike, doesn't she? Clearly not as good as her sister though." Says Jessica her eyes softening when she looks at Ava before looking at Bella with eyes of jealously.

"So, You're from Arizona right? Aren't people supposed to be tan down there?" She asks in a snarky tone making Ava step slightly in front of her sister.

"That's why they kicked me out." Says Bella making Mike laugh and so does Jessica, clearly only because Mike does making the atmosphere very uncomfortable. Ava just leads Bella away from the scene and into the locker rooms and Bella just smiles grateful for her sister.


Ava hated math she wasn't naturally good at it. When she was young it was just so hard for her. She just couldn't get it so that was why she had to try extra hard to be able and keep up with her graduating class but she had gone and gotten herself places in advanced math. 

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