Chapter 10:

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Ava wakes up in the morning covered in sweat. Her whole body was shaking as she dreamt about what had happened to her that night. 

It took her a while to realize she was in her bed. Charlie must have taken her home when she fell asleep on the chair at the station. She looked at her watch and got up to shower then got ready for school.

She ended up having to apply concealer to her bruise, as it was darker today than it was yesterday. The bruise on her side was sore if she touched it but she didn't have to worry about covering those since no one saw her stomach anyway.

After applying concealer she pulled her hair back in a half ponytail and slipped on a dark blue t-shirt along with some black jeans and a large black zip up hoodie. She carefully bends down and puts on her black high-tops before grabbing her bag and heading downstairs.

She had to wear her spar glasses which were bigger on her than her normal ones causing her to have to push them up the bridge of her freckled nose every five seconds. 

When Bella came down stairs she had a look on her face like she was on a mission. Ava wished her sister showed a little more concern for her after what they went through. But the whole way to school Bella never asked once if she was okay.

To be honest Ava didn't give a shit what Bella did with her life anymore. If she wanted to be with Edward then she should, if she wanted to run away with him then so be it. She was sick and tired of dealing with her shit. 

Ava had pretty much saved her life more than once and Bella hadn't even bothered to ask if she was okay or at the very least say thank you. Both times it was like what Ava did for her was no big deal.

So when Bella left to go talk with Edward without even acknowledging her presence she thought it was laughable. Honestly she didn't really care and she couldn't stress enough how much she tried to convince herself she didn't. 

Even though she was bitter about her sister's actions she was still a little sad. And that sadness transformed into hatred for the whole Cullen family.


She wasn't the happiest girl sitting in Dr. Cullen's office after school with her father talking about her medical prescriptions. Charlie had noticed the girls change in attitude, how she was rude to almost everyone but him. 

Ava may be angry, but she tried to never take it out on Charlie since he was the only one who really cared for her other than Renee.

"Okay so Ava I just have to ask you a couple questions and then we can send you on your way." Says Dr. Cullen with a smile that made Ava want to vomit. How could this man be so nice all the time? It was really stating to piss her off.

"Can't you just give me the drugs and then I'll be on my way." She says rolling her eyes.

"Ava." Says Charlie with a stern voice but she just ignores him.

"It would be easier that way wouldn't it." He says and then starts the questions. 

Ava answered them all shortly with no interest and Dr. Cullen decided to try the rest of the appointment with out her father there. So he pulled Charlie into the hall to talk to him.

"Would it be okay if I finished this up with just Ava in the room?" He asks and Charlie nods his head after a while of consideration. Dr. Cullen walks back into the room and smiles at the frowning girl.

He felt bad that she was so angry and he knew why. She thought they were taking her sister from her, that's why she hated the whole family.

"Ava, the next step is the physical exam okay?" He says and Ava nods already knowing the drill.

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