Chapter 11:

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Bella was outside with Edward washing her truck and Ava was annoyed. He had come over to see Bella and Ava had the unpleasant pleasure of having to see his stupid face. 

She had come down for her book and the front door was open, Edward saw her and waved with a smile making Ava roll her eyes before slamming the door shut. 

Charlie had left to the store so she just grabbed her book before heading up stairs.

She liked the Black family, and was excited that they were coming over, but she was feeling slightly unstable at the moment. 

So she went to her room and pulled out her violin and began playing. She let the music fill the room letting herself get lost in the soft melody that came from the strings of the instrument.

Edward heard the music and smiled. He had played the same tune on the piano and could tell that Ava was very good at playing her instrument. 

They had music in common so he was a little upset she hated him.

"Your sister plays very well." He says and Bella rolls her eyes.

"She's always playing that same stupid song, it get annoying after a while." She says and Edward laughs.

"It's one of my favorites to play too." He says and Bella looks at him embarrassed.

"It's not a bad song I just." She stumbles over her words as a car comes into view and Edward frowns.

"What is it?" Bella asks.

"A complication." He says staring at the car.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." He says then leaves while staring at Billy Black.

"Come to visit your truck?" Asks Bella forcing a smile a she greets the visitors.

"Looks good. You got that dent out." Says Jacob smiling at Bella.

"Actually, we came to visit your flat screen. First Mariners game of the season. Plus Jacob here kept bugging me to see you and your sister again." Says Billy and Jacob shoots his father an irritated look

"Great thanks dad." Says Jacob as Charlie pulls up in his cruiser and greats his friend.

"Pale Ale." Says Charlie while holding up two six-packs.

"Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry." Says Billy while holding up a brown paper bag. 

Charlie smiles as they make their way inside. He turned on the game and they all got comfortable inside.

Ava had come down stairs to get some water so Jacob went to join her in the kitchen. 

While Ava was getting water Jacob was talking about his day but she wasn't really listening. She hadn't slept well in a couple of days and it was starting to show.

"You okay Ava?" Asks Jacob while looking down at the small girl in concern.

"Yeah I'm okay." She says then heading back to catch Billy ask her dad about the attacks.

"Any luck with the Waylon case?" Asks Billy and Ava frowns at her dad's sudden darkened look on his face.

"Found a footprint out at the crime scene today. A bare, human foot." Says Charlie and Ava's eyes widen in surprise.

"A person did that?" Asked Bella.

"A crazy person, walking around barefoot this time of the year." Says Jacob.

"Spread the word out at the rez, will you? Keep the kids out of the woods." Says Charlie looking at Billy.

"Will do. Don't want anyone else getting hurt." Says Billy while looking at Bella making Ava frown. 

Did Bella know something about the attacks?

Jacob and Ava ended up back upstairs in her room as they talked about school. 

Well it was mostly Jake talking but Ava would put in her input from time to time.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks and Ava knows he's talking about the night she spent crying.

"Yes, thank you for being there." She says and Jake nods with a smile on his face.

"What are friends for." He says and Ava smiles a very small almost not noticeable smile. 

But Jake sees it as he starts to jump up and down while laughing.

"You smiled!" He says and Ava looks at him confused. 

What was so special about that?

"Yes?" She says and Jake sits down and looks into her eyes.

"I'm glad I got to see your smile at least once." He says and Ava shrugs before taking another sip of her water.


Authors Note:

"Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak." -Alan Dundes

Not What It SeemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora