"I'll be out, are you packed?" I asked through the door.

"I am, I've been waiting on you for the past twenty minutes." He said. 

Dammit… Travis has probably been blowing up my phone. 

As I got out I instantly checked my phone and sure enough, I had four missed calls and two texts.

"Let's go, I'm sorry I fell asleep." He nodded. 

"Don't worry about it Gregory and don't worry about Travis, Cooper called and I told him you looked a bit tired so you probably fell asleep. We can get coffee on the way." He said. 

"That sounds like a good idea." I said as we left the house.

I stopped getting two drinks from Starbucks. One for me, another for Travis. Alec refuses to take my money now that he's got a promotion.  

As we got to Travis', we both got out and I knocked on the door. 

"I was starting to think you were canceling on me." Travis said. 

"You know that's not my style." I said slightly offended he'd think I'd cancel without calling in advance. 

"Sorry." He said letting us in. 

"Alec offered to dog sit, I figured Cooper deserved a break to be with his family." I said and they both nodded in agreement. 

"Thanks, Alec, do you have experience with dogs?" Travis asked. 

"I had a dog walking service back in the day." Alec chuckled. 

When Travis finished going over the long list of things to do for the house and dog, the wind was literally almost knocked out of me as someone ran up behind me. 

"Mr. Gregory!!!" Colby yelled excitedly. 

"Hey, kiddo." I chuckled. 

He just smiled staying between my legs. 

"Champ are you packed?" Travis asked Colby. 

"Yes, dada." Travis nodded and they went to go get his bags. 

For such a young kiddo he doesn't pack like one, I don't even think he knows it but everything he packed, although it was mixed matched, it all went together which was impressive, to say the least. The kiddo had a style and had a taste. 

"Thanks again for doing this Alec, I owe you one." I said and he just waved me off. 

"You allow me to live in your house for free with the occasional me buying groceries so it's fine, you guys enjoy yourselves." I huffed. Prideful son of a gun, just let me repay you dammit. 

As we drove to the airport, it finally hit me. Has Colby ever been on a plane? 

"Travis, has Colby ever been on a plane?" I asked. 

"A few times actually." He chuckled. 

"But remembering is a different story, we'll see how it goes." I nodded. 

"Ok." I said. 

The rest of the drive was pretty quiet as Colby had passed out singing his little heart out to the music that played on the radio. 

"Oh I love this song." Travis said. 

"Share my life
Take me for what I am
Cause I'll never change
All my colors for you

Take my love
I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are
And everything that you do

I don't really need to look
Very much further
I don't wanna have to go
Where you don't follow
I will hold it back again
This passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide

The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now