Let Me Let Go

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Love these guys so much. This is one of my favorite songs. Anyone else like Twenty One Pilots? Part 3 to Demons and Give Up.

"No." My eyes fly open. Convert this hate to spite. It is a powerful motivator, but anger is dangerous. I force my body to follow my will. The other Lance's eyes widen for a split second before reacting. Keeping his face cold and neutral, he tackles me. I'm slow and sluggish and the impact stuns me. The air from my lungs is forced out, leaving me winded. I pant heavily, regaining strength. Squirming under his vice-like grip, I struggle to keep focused.

I know I'm fighting. Punches and kicks are thrown. Grunts and and shouts echoed in the emptiness. I'm losing. He's always been stronger. The perfect Lance. The person I could never be. If I let him win, he's the one who'll wake up. Not me. But why is that bad? My block falters a bit. He takes advantage of it and lands a firm punch to my jaw. I cry out and stumble backwards.

What's wrong with giving up? Why should I fight it?

Why should I keep resisting the urge to crawl under the warm blankets and stand outside. Who knows what the weather's gonna be like? I mean, sure there's a chance that the day will hold sunshine and warmth, but does it ever last? No. It never fucking lasts. Why should I keep going through the frostbite and heat burns? Why should I suffer when it can all end? I can give up. And he will finally do what I've wanted to do so many times, but never had the guts to.

"Help." I croak out. My vision is blurred by tears, but I can make out the other me slauntering towards me. Why bother? My knees give out under me. I'm weak and beaten down. And I'm just so damn tired. When can I stop?

"Help me, please..." I choke out. My head hangs low and I feel a few tears escape. I need to keep fighting. I remember what happiness told me. I fight for me. Against me. And I will either win or die trying. "PLEASE! I've never, ever asked for help. So just this fucking once! ONCE! Help me! I'm not okay." I'm not okay. I need help.

He crouches down in front of me and gently lifts my chin to look him in the eye. I jerk away from his touch, but he grabs my face with force. Reluctantly, I look him in the eyes. I gasp when his image flickers between Happiness. What?

"My son." Mama coos. "It's okay, mi amore. Rest my child. Be at peace." She glitches and then it's Hunk. He stands up and out stretches his hands down for me. Uncomprehending, I reach out for it and stand up slowly. "Why do you want to be in pain?" His voice wobbles as he engulfs me in a crushing hug.

"I-I...don't know." I reach around to hug him back. Hunk slowly pulls back before his image is blurred. When it clears up, it's Pidge who's standing there. "Why are you fighting when relief is right there?" She looks up at me with her large curious eyes. Her eyebrows are furrowed in sympathy.

She glitches and it's my older brother Marco standing there. "Mi hermano. What are you waiting for?" He smiles gently and places his hands on my shoulder. "I don't want to see you in so much pain. Do you not want it to stop?" I choke up and shake my head, squeezing my eyes shut.

I feel her hands become larger, one being metal. "Hey bud." I hear Shiro's voice. I refuse to look at him. "You are so close. You can be free. This will all stop. The pain, the sadness, the numbness. I'm no stranger to pain, I know what you feel. It's going to be alright, Lance. You can let go now." His voice and hands begin to fade away. "Let go."

"Lance." Veronica's voice comes through. I risk looking up. She stands there, with the sweetest smile, arms open for a hug. I ran into her arms. "Do you not want me anymore?" I choke out. I feel her shake her head. "We want what is best for you. We want you to be at peace. You can finally be happy." I freeze.

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