Give Up

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(The more accurate title. This is part 2 to Demons)

...Keith's POV...

We're doing a team training session again. No matter how many times we do these, we always seem to get hit in the back by robots and drones that usually never hit us. It took me several sessions to realize that these were the ones Lance would take down before it hit any of us. Hunk and Lance are long range fighters, but Hunk wields a cannon which can take out several drones at once. Lance usually handles the ones that get too close to us, or the things that we don't see. With him out of the equation...we're kind of a mess.

I hear Pidge and Allura taking down the robots that were charging at them, leaving the drones to Hunk. I sliced through my current mechanical opponent when I felt something.

"End training sequence!" I yelled.

"You feel it too?" Allura looked at me wide eyed. I nodded in response. I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. I sensed a familiar presence in the back of my mind, but it wasn't Black. It was Red.

"Blue keeps telling me something is wrong!" Allura frowns, worried. The others look to us, panting slightly, and a bit confused. "Red too." I tell her. It hits us simultaneously when we all hear the two lions roars echoing from the hangers.

Our heads whip to face each other, eyes wide.


I dash out of the room, stumbling a bit in my hurry. When I got to the medical bay, Coran seemed to be running several tests on Lance.

"What's wrong." I demanded. Coran looked up from the report he was reading as the rest of the team hurried in. But I was barely aware of them right now, my number one concern was Lance.

"It's his brain activity. I've been monitoring it and it seems it's increasing. He should be waking up any time now. But it seems they've become erratic. I'm not sure what this means."

Allura briefly explained the lion things while I made a beeline for Lance. I took a good look at him, noting his furrowed brows and tense shoulders. All the times I've come before, he'd look peaceful. Something was wrong. And there was absolutely nothing we could do.

I dimly acknowledged the team gathering around me, staring at our beloved red paladin. 'Lance. If you can hear me, come back to us please. Please. I'm begging you. You can't give up now! This is not how it ends. Please...I never got to tell you how much you mean to me. ...I love you too.' I prayed silently that somehow he'd get the message. For the second time today, I felt Red in my head again.

The lions, both Blue and Red, I realized, were using their psychic connection with Lance. They could pull him back to us. I had a feeling Lance would get the message. But I also somehow knew, Lance was giving up on something. And it was a big deal. Allura knew this too. Thankfully she had the mind to explain what we both felt to the team. This was Lance's battle alone. And I absolutely fucking hated it.

...Lance's POV...

I couldn't keep fighting. I finally let go of my breath and gave in. Not 5 seconds after, I dimly felt the two lions before. I didn't see them, but I knew they were trying to get to me but having difficulty. They were agitated. I didn't know why. They couldn't possibly be worried about me. I'm letting go, they should too.

Whispers of memories surround me, but they weren't cold like Guilt and Shame. They were warm. I let them in too. Immediately I saw Hunk and Pidge hugging each other, eyes squeezed tight comforting each other. Allura's face was contorted in worry. Her arms were wrapped around herself while Coran had a reassuring arm around her. He too looked concerned. Last was Keith Kogane himself, in front of a pod. Mine. His head rested on the glass, both his palms pressed against it. His jet black hair shielded his face from my view.

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