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"Lance!" Keith shouted through the comms.

"I'm fine. I need backup! Stat! Gha!" Lance bites back his scream as one of the sentry's swords grazes his side. He maneuvered his way to a higher platform to get a better shot. The drones began attacking him while the robots focused on getting up. Lance was in a tight situation.

"Guys, I need help! Pidge, tell me you're almost done." He yelled as his bayard changed into a sniper. The drones were attacking relentlessly. Leaning his shield on him, he shot down as many drones and sentries as he could.

"95% of the data is downloaded. I just need a minute!" Pidge replied hurriedly.

"Lance, I'm on my way, hang on." Keith grunted.

He didn't notice one of the sentries had climbed up the command platform next to him. Just a moment too late, Lance turned around. Getting a face full of foot, Lance was thrown down the platform and his helmet fell off. Just then Keith burst in the room to see Lance fall the 3 meter drop. The last thing Keith heard from Lance was the sharp gasp as his head took the impact first.

"LANCE!" Keith screamed. With one down, the remaining sentries turned their attention to the black paladin. With newfound motivation to get to his teammate, Keith sliced through the sentries while shielding himself the best he could. As soon as given the opportunity, Keith rushed to the barely conscious red paladin. He scooped him up, pausing only for a second when he heard Lance yelp. Noticing him clutching his side, Keith tried to carry him bridal style. But he stopped as soon as he saw something red and maroonish staining Lance's gloved hand.

"Is that blood?" Keith's eyes widened

"...No?" came Lance's weak response.

"That is not a question you're supposed to answer with another question. Move your hands." Keith ordered, trying not to panic. Lance slowly moved his hands to reveal a cut, barely visible because of how much blood was coming out. Keith moved Lance's hands over it to put some amount of pressure on it. Keith looked around the room, spotting Lance's helmet past a few dead robots. He grabbed it and put it on Lance. Lifting him up, Keith began to run.

"Coran, prepare a healing pod, now! Pidge, times up, head to the blue lion! Allura, pick her up. I'm taking Lance with me to Black." Keith yells orders while running as fast as his legs can take him. He had to get Lance in a pod now.

"Keith?" Lance's breathing is ragged and shallow, fighting to stay awake.

"Hey there, sharpshooter. Stay with me, kay? Don't close those pretty eyes of yours. Keep talking to me." Keith makes an attempt to keep Lance from blacking out.

"You...*shallow gasp*...think I have pretty eyes?" Lance slurs, eyes drooping.

"Hey! Hey, stay awake for me bud, we're almost there." Keith pleads with him.

"You know...I think you're pretty too. Don't worry about me, Keith. I'm not worth it." Lance  whimpers as Keith climbs into Black, settling to put Lance on his lap.

"Of course you're worth it, Lance. What the fuck are you talking about?" This concerned him, but right now his top priority was saving Lance.

"I'm so tired...I'm too sleepy. My head hurts...Good night Keith. Love you."

"No! No, Lance stAY WITH ME! NO! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES! Please! Wake up. See?! We're almost there! Come on, Lance! Please wake up!" Keith wailed, failing to blink back tears.

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