That Damn Elevator

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Elevator scene 2.0, guys!

Lance's POV

Ugh. In the last 48 hours, I've had like, 8 hours of sleep, 2 meals and non stop attacks from the Galra. Finally, those evil furries gave us our much deserved break. I'm too high on adrenaline to sleep right now, so here I am, heading toward the elevator to go to the pool so I can chill. I step in and the doors begin to close when I see Kieth's hand stick in.

"Oh, hey dude." I mutter

"Lemme guess. You're going to the pool." He says flatly.

"...And you're going too." I deadpan.We're both too exhausted to try anything. He tiredly mumbles a response.

Midway, the elevator stops. "...You're fucking with me right now." I don't have the energy to shout and curse my luck. Kieth looks just about ready to murder anything that comes within a yards' (about a meter) range. I scoot away a bit. "Again? This is happening again? What the fuck is wrong with these elevators?" Kieth crosses his arms and sits down against a wall. I sit diagonally opposite of him. But then, the worst possible thing happens. The lights flicker on and off, and then go off completely.

My breath hitches. Oh, fuck. 'I'm not alone. I'm not alone. I am not alone.' I keep repeating this like a mantra. I cannot show fear. I am greater than my claustrophobia. I can survive this dark without losing against my nyctophobia. It's getting harder to mentaly ground myself.

I reach out to grasp anything. Anything to ground me. I reach out and feel something. A hand. A human hand. I grasp onto it, desperate. I latch onto the arm that the hand is connected to.

"Lance, what the hell are you doing?" A voice says. 'Control yourself, McClain. Hold it together.' I forcefully swallow down the panic attack. I force myself to get it together.Nobody realizes just how painfully hard that is. But I've been forced to do it before, I can do it again.

Okay. I'm in an elevator. With Kieth. The only other person here is Kieth. That means I'm holding Kieth's hand.

"Shit." I let go and scramble away. The only plus about the dark is he can't see my red face. "Sorry."

"What, is the cocky, obnoxious, loud Lance McClain afraid of the dark?" Kieth taunts.

"Sh-Shut up. Y-you don't- you don't know what you're talking about."

"That's rich" I can practically hear his smirk. I get to my feet, unsteadily, and can hear he does the same.

"You're the worst. You and your idiotic mullet. It ain't the 1980s, dude." I snarl to where I assume his face is.

"Why do you hate my hair so much?! And at least I'm a better pilot." He remarks.

"Please. Your piloting skills are as amazing as your people skills." That's a huge lie and I'm sure we both know it. But I just need him to keep talking. And the only way that will keep whatever dignity I have left intact, is to argue. Anything to distract me.

"My people skills?! Why do you even give a damn?! What do you care about anything I fuckiing do?! Just leave me the hell alone." That's the last thing I hear from him.

My heart begins to beat faster. I can't breath, it's like I'm suffocating on air. I can't hear or make out anything. I feel my heart running a marathon in my chest, the blood rushing to my head. My chest feels too tight, I can't breath. I feel dizzy and light headed, My palm becomes moist with sweat. 'Oh god. I'm going to die!' I lose control of my mind, it's a victim of the dark. In the midst of my panic, I helplessly flail around. I can't control the movement of my body. I'm shaking too badly.

Langst - Klance oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora