Carry You

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I know, it hurts

It's hard to breathe sometimes 

Kieth stopped in his tracks. Who was singing? He recognized this song. He figured it was coming from further down the hall. He began jogging, passing the training room. He decided that he could train a little later.

These nights, are long

You've lost the will to fight.

This was the song that got him through lonely nights. He would step under the starry sky and sing until his throat was raw. He loved how the warm Texas breeze would carry his voice away. This song was like his motivation to keep going.

Is anybody out there?

Can you lead me to light

The singer's sadness was apparent to Kieth. It honestly was heartbreaking. He reached an old training room, currently out of order. Silently he creeped in and shut the door. He switched the sound proof wall feature on. The singer, lost in the song that was coming out of a speaker kept going. When Kieth saw who the mystery singer was, he was shocked.

Is anybody out there?

Tell me it'll all be alright 

"Lance" Kieth breathed. In a swift motion, Lance whipped around to find Kieth. Not missing a beat, Kieth grabbed Lance's hips and interlocked his other hand with Lance's. To Lance's further shock, Kieth began singing along with the song that was playing out of Lance's blue speaker. 

You- are not alone 

I've been here the whole time 

Singing you a song 


Kieth began swaying as if they were slow dancing. Lance followed his lead. Looking directly into Lance's eyes, Kieth smiled softly.

I will carry you-

I will carry you

Lance rested his head on Kieth's shoulder. He smiled shyly and blushed. Kieth was practically praying to whatever gods he could think of  that Lance wouldn't see his blush. Lance started singing along with Kieth.

I know, you can't 

Remember how to shine

Your heart's a bird without the wings to fly

By this point, both boys felt themselves falling harder for the other. Lance shifted them into a position where Kieth was leaning back on Lance's chest. Their hands were intertwined with each other. Lance squeezed Kieth's hands to signal that he'll sing the next part alone.

Is anybody out there?

Can you take this weight of mine

Is anybody out there?

Can you, lead me to the light

Then Kieth joined in. Both of them marveled at the others voice.

You- are not alone

I've been here the whole time

Singing you a song 


I will carry you- 

I will carry you

They danced together, enjoying the closeness. The music went on as they swayed together. In that moment, Lance forgot his tears and let down his guard. He trusted Kieth.

You- are not alone 

I've been here the whole time -

You- are not alone

I've been here the whole time

Singing you a song 


I will carry you-

I will carry you

Is anybody out there?

I will carry you-

I will carry you

Is anybody out there?

Keith turned around to face Lance. Lance's arms snaked around his waist. He placed a hand on the side of Lance's face, wiping any stray tears.Placing a finger to Lance's lips, he sang the last part alone.

I know it hurts 

It's hard to breathe sometimes

Removing his hand and placing it at the back of Lance's neck, Kieth leaned in. Lance copied the motion, looking at Kieth's lips. The gap got smaller and smaller, until their lips met. The kiss was soft and gentle, both boys pouring in their love, care and worry.

After what felt like forever(which was only 20 secs in reality) they pulled away. "Lance...?" Kieth whispered, expecting an explanation. Lance took the shorter boy's hand and lead his to his room. He gestured for the red paladin to sit on the bed, as Lance took a seat beside him. Lance took a deep breath.

"Well... I miss mi familia and my home obviously. And the realization that I may never see them again... they probably think I'm dead. See, what I've always put of as homesickness, is actually worse." Saying nothing, Kieth rubbed circles into Lance's palm. 

"Back on earth, I had severe separation anxiety. Age 14, became depressed when my brother died of cancer. I have antidepressants, but I'm running out. It got so bad... I attempted suicide." At this news Kieth felt warm tears roll down his cheeks. Lance too was crying. "I almost fucking died Kieth. Every day it takes my everything, not to go head-in full on playing offense, not caring if I die. Every time the Galra attack, it takes every ounce of self control not to run purely on adrenaline. Because then, I'll become fully suicidal." He sniffled and said quietly, "Because I've been separated from my family."

Both of them were crying as Kieth gave a bone-crushing hug to Lance. "I promise I'll help. In any way I can. And if you ever want to, I'm here." Kieth told the teen. "I know. I trust you Kieth."

Suddenly a thought popped into Kieth's head. "Lance?" He asked cautiously. Worried at the change of tone, Lance replied, "yeah?" Goddamnit Kieth. Just say it. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Lance's eyes lit up like the sun and squeezed Kieth. "Yes! I didn't kiss you for nothing ya know." Kieth kissed him back, taking Lance by surprise. They spent the rest of the day, kissing and cuddling, talking about a bunch of random stuff.

Needless to say, Kieth kept his promise. With the support of the team, Lance got more antidepressants and some alien medications. Allura and Coran assured him that it was safe. They said it was used for explorers who can't come back to their homes for a long time. Turns out it worked! When the red and blue paladins came out about their relationship, Pidge just held out her hands to Hunk and Allura. Groaning in response, each placed 30 gacs in Pidge hands. "Obviously we bet on you!" Pidge replied to Lance's raised eyebrow. But other than that, they were all good.


980 words 

I'm a sucker for happy endings. Sorry.

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