Prisoner 3

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"Guys! I've got Lance's location!" Pidge shouted in victory. At that everybody came running in. "Where is he." Kieth demanded. Everybody knew about Kieth's love for the blue boy. Except the devil himself. Pidge gave the coordinates to Coran, who hastily punched them in. "We're coming for you, Lance." Shiro murmured.

The team quickly put on their armor and ran to their respective lions. Only the princess and Coran were left at the deck, pacing around nervously. "Princess. Without the blue lion... her absence could impact the success of this mission." Coran fretted. At that, Blue's roar startled the two of them. Coran looked to Allura. "Go. Save number 3." Allura solemnly nodded.

Allura ran into Blue's hanger. "My cub is in danger! Come, daughter of Alfor. Let us save my paladin." Blue growled in Allura's mind. Allura entered Blue's mouth and sat down as the controls glowed a magnificent blue. The blue lion burst out of the castle and into the battle. "Allura!" Shiro shouted in surprise. "Can't go into much detail, but Blue needed a paladin and this is completely temporary." Allura yelled back over the comms.

The lions began attacking the fleet of ships in uniform, each paladin putting all their anger into the fight. The red and yellow lion ejected their paladins and stayed at a distance waiting. "There. That is the ship Lance is most likely being held." Keith and Hunk used their jets and flew to a part of the ship where the metal had been torn off. "We're in," Hunk told

Coran guided the two toward the cells. When they reached there, they didn't see anybody. "Fuck. It's empty. Where could Lance be!?" Kieth cursed their luck. "I don't know. Let's keep going." The paladins kept going down the long hall. Then Coran's voice came through their comms. "There is a room that shows to be heavily guarded and 2 beings inside." "Shit." Hunk muttered. Hunk never cussed. Ever.

Coran was right. Nearly 10 guards. The guards noticed the yellow and red paladins and quickly drew their weapons. Hunk drew his bayard and started shooting the guards farther away. Kieth roared and ran towards the 2 nearest guards. The guards started firing at him. Kieth let the adrenaline swallow him whole. He dodged the bullets and disarmed one. The other shot a bullet that narrowly missed Kieth. Nobody. Nobody will stand in his way to get to his Lance.In a few swift motions, both lay dead in front of him.

Hunk kept firing. Using his shield to avoid getting hit, he ran past the dead soldiers at his feet. He is not gonna let any more harm come to his best friend. He failed Lance once, he's not gonna fail him again.

Soon the duo had vanquished the guards. They stood panting. Hunk turned to the closed doors. He fired at the electronic lock. In a moment, sparks flew and the door opened when Kieth wedged his sword in the opening.

They gasped at what they saw. Lance was laying vertically on a metal slab. He had metal bands around his neck, torso, wrists and ankles. He was in rags. Lance had so many visible wounds...but that wasn't the worst of it. Lance's face was contorted in pain and he was...sobbing. Keith and Hunk's heart shattered in a million pieces at the pitiful sight. Nobody had ever seen Lance cry. Never. Lance made sure of that. Hunk was the only exception and that was only at the Garrison.

Snapping out of their shock, they rushed to Lance. "Lance! Buddy! Wake up!" Hunk shouted. Kieth slammed his fist on the release button. Lance didn't wake up. He fell, limp, into Hunk's arms. "Wait. Coran said there were 2 people. Where's the second?" Kieth asked.

Just then, Haggar appeared from the shadows. She began shooting balls of magic at them. "You won't get away, paladins." She cackled. Hunk put up his shield to protect Lance. Kieth growled and charged at the witch. He dodged her shots. Then the witch summoned a large ball of black energy and threw it. Kieth kept running, blinded by rage. He didn't notice who that shot was aimed at. He swept his arm, catching the witch at a weaker state after the shot. He kept fighting her, until she teleported away.

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