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I found the video right after I finished the story lmao.  

Trigger: major character death 

He saw the eyerolls. He saw the doubting looks.He heard their snide comments. He heard the underlying messages.

Lance McClain, the blue paladin, the dumb one, the place holder, the goofball, useless. And these weren't just from the team.

Rulers and citizens alike, would look at him skeptically. Random aliens would whisper their doubts behind his back.

The team told Lance to "just shut up", "start training more", "go away", "be useful for once and do something right."

And Lance was fucking tierd of it. One time, the team was getting worked up, so Lance attempted to cut through the tension with a joke. He was met with Shiro glaring at him. "This is a serious topic, Lance. I expect you to be serious." Everyone else grumbled their agreements. Is that what they want? Fine. He stood up and left to his room. "What a baby." he heard Pidge snark. I'll give you what you want. There won't be any going back.

The next day he walked in for breakfast early. He set the table and served the green goo wordlessly. Just then everybody walked in, to see Lance patiently sitting in his designated spot. Nodding a greeting to everyone, he watched with a blank face as everyone greeted each other and began to eat. Every once in a while they'd shoot Lance a look of confusion, but didn't do anything about it. Lance played around with his food a bit, took a few bites and stood up to clean his bowl. Once he did, he simply left. "What was that all about?" he heard Kieth ask. "Nothing. He's just being overdramatic. If anything, the quiet is a nice change." Pidge replied.

They are never satisfied are they? Lance sighed inwardly, heading to the training room.

Might as well be of some use and train. "Start training at level 3" he shouted. 2 bots appeared and attacked. One had a sword, the other a gun. Lance dodged the attacks from the gun, and disarmed the bot with the sword. He shot it's chest and watched it deactivate. He put up his shield and waited for the gunned robot to come at him. Waiting until he could make a sure shot, he stood poised and ready.

The bot started shooting relentlessly. Lance struggled to keep up his shield. He ran toward it, then made a sharp left turn, surprising it. Taking advantage of the cease in attacks, Lance shot down the bot. He walked over to the results panel. "10 minutes," he said in disappointment. "For only 2 bots." He walked to the middle and got in position."Level 4. Drone edition." he commanded.

Lance continued training for a few more hours. By the time Hunk found him to call him to lunch, Lance had reached level 24. "Ya know, I've never seen you train solo before." Hunk stated. "I had time, so I trained." Lance replied, shrugging. He sat down and ate. Not once did he speak during lunch. Instead, he observed. He noticed how Pidge passionately talked about the personal projects. Hunk let her talk, every now and then giving his 2 cents with a smile. Coran, Allura and Shiro discussed the Galra's techniques. Kieth was just eating, watching the others, like him.

Lance finished, and left. He took to wandering the castle. He wasn't planning to go anywhere, just to walk. He'd walked for 20 minutes when he saw a room that resembled a library. Curious, he walked in. The room wasn't very big, but it was filled with books. In one corner was a holograph stand(idk what it's actually called). Lance walked up to it and switched it on. A weird creature that vaguely resembled a dog popped up. Lance sat down and played with it a little. Turns out, it was a holographic program to teach people alien languages. "Altean and Galra would be useful" he mumbled to himself. So for the next 3 hours, he learned some Altean.

He skipped dinner and instead opted to train. He trained hard into the night, going to sleep at midnight.

With only 4 hours of sleep, he woke up and repeated his new routine. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Lance only spoke when spoken to. If given a command, he thoroughly fulfills it. He never flirted. He kept his head up high, facing forward. When asked for an opinion, he'd give them a curt and straightforward answer. He started addressing his superiors as sir, ma'am, or their position if he didn't know the gender.

Soon, he unlocked a sword, dagger, sniper and a lance with his bayard. He'd train hours on end. He easily got used to the sniper. Lance had taken a liking to his namesake weapon.

He never showed emotions, always standing at attention. Lance knew he was breaking, but he still pushed down any emotions. He became all business, no fun. Lance knew he would soon pass the point of no return. He kept going. He was losing himself.

The team noticed the change. But they didn't care. They didn't know that Lance was killing himself for their satisfaction. They started praising Lance. They joked about how immature Lance used to be, and how he'd improved.

Lance gave in to their pressure. He was too far in deep. Lance became numb. Feeling nothing, he let others' expectations become his puppeteer. He lived only on praises, punishing himself when something went wrong. Lance is gone. Replaced by a soldier.


{A year and a half later}

The war has ended. Lance dimly remembers how to laugh. No point in something unnecessary. It's been more than a year and a half. When the team returned to Earth, Lance found his family. But he didn't smile. For the first time in so long, he showed emotion. Tears began to run down his cheeks. A sob tore through his throat. He found his family, the only people who had a chance to bring the old Lance back, in a graveyard. Voltron is done, the lions are gone. Lance lived only for Voltron and the thought of returning to his family. Laid in a neat row in front of him, was his family. "Mama, Papa, Veronica, Marco, Luis..." he spoke hoarsely. Died in a shooting. It said. Lance turned on his heel. With his family gone, Voltron no longer and the universe is safe...what else does he have left to live for?

Lance entered a drug store and bought 2 bottles of pills. Just to be safe. He rented a hotel room for a few nights. There he sat down and wrote his story. Everything. His transition, his feelings, his loss. He even added his will.

... I simply don't have anything else to live for. And you know what? I'm glad. I can finally be free. It's nobody's fault but mine. I was weak. And in this world, only the strong will prevail. I want to be free.

Goodbye, Lance McClain

He placed the note on his bedside table. For the next two days, he visited anyone who might care and left them on a good note. Tomorrow, his stay will be over. He lied down on the bed and whispered into the silence, "Quiero ser libre." (I want to be free). He emptied the pill bottle and fell asleep. Lance joined his family, finally free.


I'm not really proud of this. I feel like it's weirdly paced and inconsistent. But I'm too lazy to edit this thoroughly. So. Thanks for reading my shit! And for not giving two fucks about the terrible writing.

Thank you for being my motivation, @XxemearldwolfxX!

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