Petals for Your Love

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Lance hurled into the toilet. Rose petals and blood came up. What? Why the fuck am I throwing up petals? Should I tell someone? Lance thought about it as he cleaned up. Nah. Can't have them think I'm even more worthless than they already do. He decided bitterly. He cleaned the bathroom until there was no trace of what happened.

Lance's throat burned and it felt like his heart was running a race. He jogged over to the kitchen to grab some water for his raw throat. Hunk was cooking something that looked suspiciously like a burrito, while Pidge was, unsurprisingly, hunched over her laptop on the floor. Kieth was standing in the corner, as if waiting for Hunk. Today, he wasn't wearing his signature scowl or red crop jacket.

Why did Kieth have to look so good? He's definitely fit, but not too much to seem like those annoyingly buff models. He looks real. Lance shook out of his daydream and continued his search for water. He felt more petals coming."Hey, bud! I couldn't find you anywhere, so I had to drag these two for taste testing." Hunk jabbed his thumb over to Kieth and Pidge.

Lance tried to speak, but ended up in a violent coughing fit. A single red petal made its way out, but Lance grabbed it before anyone could notice. But what he didn't know was, a certain gremlin saw it.

Hunk rushed to his friend with a glass of water. "You good, bro?" He asked. Lance savored the cool liquid. He just nodded for an answer before using his hands to indicate he wanted more water. Hunk got him what he wanted.

"Sorry, Hunk. I was training." Lance rasped. He turned around as he said, "Which, I should really get back to. See you guys at dinner."

"If you want, I can train with you." Kieth spoke up. Lance turned to face him and gave him a small smile. "I would love that. But you're gonna have to teach me some of your moves. I can't seem to figure out how to use the broadsword." Kieth walked up next to Lance and turned around to face Hunk. "Sorry, Hunk. At least you have Pidge." Hunk pouted playfully. "Yeah, yeah. You two go train." He spoke with a smile.

When the pair left, Pidge turned to Hunk and declared, "I ship them." Hunk chuckled. "They do seem to balance each other perfectly. I ship it too." But Pidge didn't forget what she saw.


Later that day, Pidge found Lance and dragged him to her room. "Umm...Pidge? Something wrong?" Lance asked, confused. He sits hesitantly on the bed as Pidge paces back and forth in front of him.

"How long." Pidge demanded, turning to Lance. "How long for what?" Lance shakes his head, still confused.

"How long have you been coughing up petals and blood?"

"How do you know about that?"

"I saw you catch a red petal earlier today. Now talk. And don't you dare try and hide anything from me." she leans in closer to his face.

"And why should I?" Lance says a bit indignantly.

Pidge's face softens. "I want to help you. You need to know what you're dealing with."

Lance closes his eyes for a moment then looks her in the eyes. "Just this morning. I wasn't planning on telling anyone. What can you tell me about this?"

Pidge sits next to him and pulls out her laptop. "I believe you have hanahaki. The hanahaki disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. There are two ways to get rid of it. It can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. The second being if the victim's feelings are reciprocated."

Pidge turns to face Lance with a grim face. "This is essentially fatal if one of the two does not occur in the next month. We may not have the right things up in space to perform the surgery, so the next best thing is if you confess to whoever it is."

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