Marked to Die 2

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 Over the next few weeks, everyone spent as much time with Lance. Everyday, Hunk would cook Lance's favorites. The two friends would spend hours experimenting with new and absurd tastes and flavors. If they weren't in the kitchen, they were in one of their rooms, reminiscing about old times.

"Remember when we put soy sauce in Iverson's coffee?" Hunk asks.

"Oh yeah! That was awesome. His reaction was the best!" Lance chuckles, remembering everything.

"Thank god they didn't check the cameras."

"That was so good, I would still be proud!"

"Yeah. Remember what we'd say before doing really stupid things?" Hunk asks.

"All in. No regrets." They said in unison and fist bumped.


He and Shiro would train a bit together, but mostly talk about love. It was completely unexpected, but it seemed to work out really well. Lance would go on and on about Keith and Shiro would talk abou Adam. The two bonded over this. Of course, when Keith found out he became really jealous. Lance was just rolling in laughter because Keith didn't know exactly what they were talking about.

Keith walked in the training room silently. He noticed Lance and Shiro talking, with their backs facing him. They didn't seem to notice he was there. The two talked a lot, but Keith wasn't sure about what.

Both men were laughing hard, and even though they were sitting, had to lean on each other for support. After their laughing died down a bit, Keith decided to make his presence known. "Hey guys. What were you talking 'bout?" He questioned casually.

"Keith, hey!" Lance greets. "We were talking about how we fell in love and stuff."

Wait... What. "How you fell in love." He couldn't hide the obvious tone of jealousy and betrayal. He and Shiro shared a look, then stared at Keith, who was becoming angrier by the millisecond. Out of nowhere, Lance broke into a fit of giggles, then began rolling on the floor with laughter. Shiro too began laughing. That just left Keith standing there, confused and still mad.

"What?!" Keith shouted. "Th-the way I said that! Omg!" Lance couldn't speak properly. Shiro and Lance calmed down after a couple of moments. "That was hilarious." Shiro stated. "Agreed." Keith's frustration was completely ignored. "Explain. Now." He basically growled. "Sorry, darling. That came out really wrong. We were talking about how we fell in love...not with each other. Shiro and Adam, you and me." Lance explains not bothering to wipe the grin off his face. "Oh." "Don't worry, Keith. You're my brother. I have no interest in taking Lance from you. Besides, judging from the way he talks about you, no one could take him for you no matter how hard they tried." Shiro reassures Keith. Lance and Keith blush.

"Okay! Since that's all sorted out, wanna train together?" Lance claps his hands.


He and Allura had weekly 'beauty nights', where they would gossip, put on face masks and have fun. Once, Allura made Lance into a believable girl and presented him to the rest of the team.

"Tada! This is Lana!" Allura showed off the embarrassed Lance to the team. Allura had found hair extensions and a whole lot of other weird Altean products. After a lot of convincing and begging, Lance gave in and let Allura go wild. The team stared at 'Lana' in surprise.

"You look..." Pidge looked him up and down, "...actually kinda cute" Pidge stated. "You look good, though it's kind of different for me to seem my best bud as a girl." Hunk said with a supportive smile."Good work Allura. If I didn't know it was Lance, I would've believed he was really a girl." Shio complimented.

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