So The Lie Was A Lie? What the-

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or you

Sometimes I wonder why I keep putting the disclaimers and then I remember Anne Rice and put it in there just in case. I have been gone both for lack of time in my schedule to write, lack of ideas or direction to start this chapter, an onset of insomnia of which melatonin has done nothing to cure, and depression. That is all. I have finally pulled myself out of which after I realized that I start College in 3 days and am now having a crisis. This is a shorter chapter cause shit is going to wrap up quickly and I want to spread it out. Last 2 (or 3) chapters are coming soon. Never mind that though, onto the story!


'I have to find Sasuke- I have to find him. Arghh! Why does this have to happen so fast?!!'

'We@34^^&U(U it&(()_'



'Ryoko what's wrong with you? You're scaring me.'

No response.

Y/n rounded the corner of the street, only to be met with a dead end.

"What? But- there's. This isn't possible-" Y/n shook her head, turning around, so sure she'd been going the right way. Another dead end. "What?!"

The wall inched forward, causing Y/n to back up as she felt all four walls seem to close in on her until she was in a space no bigger than a school corridor. She snapped her gaze up, there was still a sky, enough for her to escape from her small prison.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." An all too familiar voice chided.

Y/n whirled around, the familiar woman in green. Sora.

"Sora! What's-" Y/n paused, taking in her surroundings and evaluating her situation, "Sora... You- What are you-"

"Oh you're a clever girl Y/n L/n, I'm sure you've figured it out."

"..." Sora stepped closer. "Stay Away!"

"No? Oh well, I guess it won't matter if I tell you will it? You see, it was all the fault your stupid mother, who seduced my sweet naïve nephew. I didn't even find out about it until she was well pregnant with you. I was just going to kill her, but then I heard that silly little dragon demon had resurfaced and I knew that whatever pathetic child she had would be the perfect Jinchuriki. So I planned and I waited and the night of your birth after the spirit was sealed away, I killed every last one of them. I took you."

She stepped closer.

"I tried to raise you. The perfect weapon against the village that caused me so much misery. But no, you came into your powers too quickly and I had to erase you again and again. The village was all too easy to influence into letting me stay on the outskirts, being the only Yonin to assist this pitiful little slice of nothing."

Another step. Y/n was frozen in shock of what Sora was saying.

"Anyways, I came up with a new plan, a better plan, throw you in a world where none of this existed. It worked for so long, kept you docile and sad... And then I tore you out. Threw you into a lake of my own creation to better erase your memories. But it faded, yes, it faded, and I reconnected with my old friend. Orochimaru. We had a small fling in the past, but that doesn't matter now. I thought since I couldn't control you, he could. And so I joined him. I had to help kill the third Hokage to keep it a secret, but it worked~ Then I had to get close to you, you were learning too much too fast. What better way than as your teacher?"

Sora laughed, lunged her hand out and gripped Y/n's arm.

"And now you're going to come with me, and you're going to be a good girl and come with me. Sadly my charade is up here, my abilities have run their course for now in the village. But you- we'll see. I'll admit, I was surprised when I heard you summoned Tokugawa, but luckily that little pest didn't ruin anything."

Y/n broke her silence, "Fuck you!" shocked at how broken her voice sounded as she choked through a sob.

Sora slapped Y/n with her free hand, grabbing Y/n's throat afterwards, lifting her slight off the ground. "Is. That. Any. Way. To. Speak. To. Your. Beloved. Aunt?" Sora enunciated, her tone switching from mocking to one dripping with malice.

"Tch...." Y/n gasped as Sora slowly crushed her windpipe." O-kAy Bo-OmER."

The woman threw her against the wall. Y/n fell to the ground after the impact, continuing to gasp for air. She looked up in horror as the Yonin stood over her with a syringe.

"Fine let's do this the hard way then."

'Time Jump Ju-"

"Too Late!"

Y/n felt herself disappear then reappear as her jutsu backfired. A syringe was in her neck right over where the curse mark was. Whatever was in it was emptied into her blood stream. Time slowed. The arms propping her up against the wall gave out from underneath her.

"Light's out little one."

Everything went black.


Burning, why was it burning. Burning, boiling, hot too hot. Blood burning. Blood was boiling.

Y/n awoke in a dark room, or she thought she was awake. No. She wasn't, was she dreaming.

A growl filled the room. A snarl.

"Am I dead? Am I dying?"

"What a stupid question to ask little girl. Do you even hear yourself?"

She knew that voice, R, something R. Ryu, Rya, Ryo- Ryoko. The drowsiness, the burning lessened, Y/n snapped to awareness.


"Who else, you naïve girl?"

Y/n rushed forward, looking for the source of the booming voice. She found the cage inside her mind, and in it, Ryoko. Much more restrained and weakened than when she had first seen her. Further away too.

"Ryoko..." Y/n sobbed in both relief at the sight of her and sadness of her current.

She grabbed the bars of the cage and slipped through easily.

"You missed me that much child?"

Y/n collapsed onto one of Ryoko's claws in despair, "Ryoko- what am I supposed to do? I don't know what to do now..." She hiccupped through sobs.

"Well first you need to pick yourself up and stop crying, it solves nothing, Sakura is proof of that."

Y/n sat up with a weak laugh, feebly wiping her tears from her eyes. "Damn, that's harsh Ryoko."

"Now get up, and help get some of there extra restraints off. They'll only inhibit chakra levels."

"What are we going to do?"

"I need to be at full strength first, then we are rescuing ourselves."

"Sounds like a plan I guess."

"Do not worry dear one, all will be right soon enough, just wait and see."

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