Final Exam

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I do not own Naruto (sadly) or you
I'm just writing chapter after chapter after chapter, because I have been just swamped with school work. I think I'll just be posting two chapters every two weeks on Saturdays. Starting this/next week. But yeah, I did not anticipate the workload, I've been staying up until one am and having to be at my bus stop at six am. So yeah I just have to manage my time better. Anyways, here we go.
Y/n woke up the day of the final exam, pulling her hair out of her face, she got up and walked to the mirror. 'Eye is back to normal, good. I should try to find out what triggers it. If they find out about this... They might think I was hiding it all along... Maybe if I just try and see the future.' Y/n blinked and her eye swirled into the symbol which was the cause of her confusion.
"What is this?" " You must have known about it..." " We may be able to use it to help us." "She doesn't seem to be a threat." "Keep an eye on her Kakashi." ... " Get the psychic girl" " Yes Lord Orochimaru..."
Y/n shook her head, too far into the future. Her eye remained the same, 'Stop it.' Her voice, echoed through her mind as if she was thinking, but the h/c knew the difference.
'You can control it' ' Don't worry, but don't tell them the extent of what you can see' 'There are some things you can't say'
'Okay I can do this, calm down Y/n'.
Iruka-sensei stood in front of the class about to inform the soon-to-be ninja of what the final exam was on.
"We will now start the final exam, when your name is called, proceed to the testing room."
The entire class shifted forward, eager to know the subject.
"The final test will be on... The Clone Jutsu."
Sighs of relief and joy were heard around the room, and one of panic. Y/n shot a sympathetic glance at Naruto, whose face was buried in his hands, worried and discouraged.
Y/n stood in front of Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei, clearly they expected her to fail, she had been at the academy for half as long as the other students.
'Deep breath, Y/n'
She carefully formed the sign and gathered her chakra.
" Clone-jutsu!"
In a puff of smoke 5 clones appeared next to the girl. Iruka and Mizuki blinked in shock, and exchanged a curious glance.
"You pass. Alright Naruto will be next, grab a headband send him in after you."
Y/n nodded knowing how Naruto would fail.
" Thank you Iruka-sensei, thank you Mizuki-sensei."
The girl received her headband and made her way out of the testing room.
Y/n gazed sadly at Naruto who was sitting on his swing set, a melancholy look on his face. Amongst the excited chattering of her classmates, she felt tears well in her eyes.
"There, you see him?"
" It's that boy, I heard he's the only one who failed."
"Hm. Well it serves him right."
"Just imagine what would happen if he became a ninja... I mean he's the boy who-"
"Shhhhhh. We're not aloud to talk about that."
Those tears of sorrow quickly turned to tears of rage, anger spread across the small girl's features as she turned to glare at the gossipers. 'Don't shout, bite your tongue, don't shout, bite your tongue-'
" What's your problem."
Y/n, in realizing she'd been caught, blinked like she hadn't known she was glaring.
"Huh? Nothing."
The girl scoffed and turned back to her friend. Y/n looked down at her shoes upset and angry.
When she looked back, Naruto was gone, presumable with Mizuki-sensei.
Time skip to that evening
Y/n calmly brushed and braided her hair back out of her face. (If your hair is short you'll say you cut it later) She had missed braiding her hair it was calming and something to distract her ever worrying mind.
'What do these visions mean? I already know what happens, but could I change the future? I must be going to, but that doesn't explain-'
The girls thoughts were cut off and she shook her hair loose as a series of panicked knocks were heard on her door. A vision flashed in her mind. 'Iruka-sensei's looking for Naruto. I should point him in the right direction.'
The girl rushed to the door to find Iruka's worried face staring down at her.
" Y/n so you have any idea where Naruto is?"
"I think I saw him headed over to the east woods, why? Is something wrong?" Y/n questioned trying to sound confused.
"How long ago was this?"
" Ten minutes ago, I just got in."
"Thank you."
With that information the man turned and ran toward the woods, leaving the girl with a forced confused look on her face.
' I can't let them know I know anything. When will the true action start?'
The girl pondered as she closed her door and resumed her nightly routine. 'Naruto, you sure are a troublemaker.'
The next day
' You four are idiots.' ... 'From now on you're my rival.'... 'Naruto, we can't accept this picture.'... 'When are we going to get a real mission?!'
" Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! I gotta show you something!"
Y/n was jolted out of her dreams and visions by the excited shouting of Naruto's voice. She sat up hazy and slightly confused, rubbing her eyes she got out of bed and tried to locate the source of the noise.
'Why do I put up with this?'
She ran her hands through her hair and made her way to the door. She opened the door to the blond's grinning face.
"Naruto. Do you have any idea how early it is?"
"Oh. Hehe... Sorry. Did I wake you? I just really have to show you something."
The boy sheepishly scratched behind his head and smiled cautiously.
" It's fine. I'm up now. What's you want to tell me?"
"Take a look. I'm officially a ninja! Believe it!"
Y/n had know what he was going to say, but upon hearing how happy he was, she pulled him in for a hug.
"That's awesome! Congrats! See I told you not to worry."
She smiled and pulled away from the beaming knuckleheaded ninja.
" Yeah, a lot of stuff happened. But I'm a ninja now, ya know."
Y/n, felt as if she was going to burst from happiness and slight worry, 'it's starting.'

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