Um No, Very Much I did not, What are you talking about? Not me, wrong bitch

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or you
Hey guys, my job has been piling on the hours, and I dont know about you guys but I'm an empath, everything that's been going on this past month has been stressing me the fuck out. However my life has finally calmed down. I fully intend to finish this Fanfiction and start the one for Shipudden by September when I start college. It's going to take a lot of hours of watching Naruto, but you guys deserve it with how patient you've been with me. Ill be writing three more chapters this week to make up for it, not including this one. Another note as to what's going on right now BLM, Fuck ICE, Fuck Trump, Fuck the racists, the homophobes, the KKK, and the general white supremacists. And as always ACAB. And now, Onto the story!
Y/n rushed to help the struggling Naruto, who was flailing, stuck in the crack in the ground that Tsunade had just created. He was about a foot deep in and unable to get out without someone pulling him out. She grabbed his arm, Shizune moved to assist her in the endeavor and they successfully pulled, Naruto from its grasp.

"You alright Naruto?"
He managed a nod and Y/n sighed as he coughed both from dust and briefly getting the wind knocked outta him.

"Jiraya?" Tsunade broke the brief tension in the air. "Are you the one who taught this little kid the Rasengan?"

Naruto's coughing ceased, both in surprise and confusion.

Tsunade had gone straight back to ignoring her presence.

'I hate just being a side character to this, it's so annoying.'
'How do you think I feel, trapped inside your head all the time?'
'Okay, okay fine, but you gotta admit its annoying.'
'No response, well that's funny. Ryoko?'

Before she could answer the conversation continued between Jiraya and Tsunade.
"Well, of course I did. I'm his teacher, aren't I? What of it?" Jiraya answered to Tsunade's bemusement.
"Ha. You and the fourth Hokage are the only ones who can use that jutsu. What's the point of teaching it to someone who can never master it? You old fool! Giving him false hopes like. Filling his head with stupid ideas. Making him think he could actually be Hokage someday." Tsunade spit out biligerantly.

Naruto jumped to his feet in anger.
"I'll show you whose stupid! Just wait! Just wait! Give me three days and I'll have that jutsu down flat!"

"Ha. Watch what you say kid. I might just hold you to it."

'You better watch what you say Tsunade. You'll lose that bet for sure.'

"Heh. I said it, and I never go back in my word. That's my nindo- my ninja way!"
Tsunade's breath hitched and there was a few tense seconds of silence.
'Ooooo, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.'
'Okay child, you're creeping me out. First you're bored, and now you're giggling like a maniac.'
'What? You know I'm right, you don't hear the music picking up?'
'I would say to have you psychologically evaluated but...'
'Oh hush.'
'You know better than to test me girl.'

Tsunade's lips curled up into a smirk, "Well then, care to make a bet on it?"
"A bet?"
"I'll give you one week. If you can master that jutsu by then, I'll admit I'm wrong, and that your worthy of becoming Hokage. I'll even throw in my necklace." Tsunade recited the terms, before gesturing to the crystals that were hanging from her neck.

"Lady Tsunade, no! No you dont really mean that!" Shizune exclaimed surprised and concerned, attempting to blame Tsunade's bet on her drunkenness.
'Of course she'd say that, that necklace has sooo much history.'
"Eh... You can keep it I'm not really into jewelry." Naruto rolled his eyes in disinterest.

"You numbskull." Jiraya scoffed before continuing, "That necklace belonged to the first Hokage himself. There are only two like it in the world. Why, that little things is worth three gold mines, and the mountains on top of them."

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