Fighting is so Boring

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or you
So since I'm doing two chapters probably each week on the weekends, they'll vary in length from what they used to be, I'll strive for at least 1,000 words, but it depends. Sometimes you might just get one 2,000 plus word chapter instead of two. Just figured I'd make a note of it.
Temari stared disapprovingly at Shikamaru who stared up annoyed at Naruto, who smiled waiting for him to make a move.
"What is it? You planing on giving up too?" Temari smirked and adjusted herself to lean on her fan.
Shikamaru silently deliberated as Naruto shouted for him to get going. All the while Temari grew more and more impatient before clenching her fist and running at him, "Well, if you won't move I will."
'What did I say Shikamaru.'

Hayate's attempts to stop her were as convincing as Willy Wonka's attempts to stop any of the children in the 1971 adaptation.
'What did I tell you about that not being real?'
'A girl can dream okay, it was an interesting movie. I'm apparently very creative.'

Temari raised her fan above her head as she reached her completely uninterested opponent and Shikamaru lazily grabbed two kunai to block her attack muttering about how spunky she was.
When the dust settled, Temari's fan had made a sizable hole in the ground and Shikamaru stood in front of her, both hands in his pockets.
"It really doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me whether I ever become a Chunin or not. But I guess maybe I shouldn't let myself get beaten by a female. So, let's do it."
Y/n clenched the railing, eye twitching at this comment as Temari whirled her fan at Shikamaru in anger. And once again when the dust settled, Shikamaru was somewhere else. Mostly behind one of the trees rethinking his life decisions. But it was Shikmaru, plain and simple. 'He has a masculine superiority complex or something.'
'I don't think that's quite right.'
'It might be.'
'I don't care.'
In those two or so minutes, Ino was cheering Shikamaru on in the awkward silence of the arena.
The standstill held and Naruto became impatient again, "Get your butt in gear! Let's go Shikamaru!"
Said ninja sighed and stood up, grinning in preparation, and Temari scowled unleashing another attack, "Ninja Art, WIND-SCYTHE JUTSU!"
The strong gust of wind cut up the trees and blew the leaves away. Shikamaru's shadow crept up at her and stopped as she marked a line to where she though the limit was.
'I'm bored with this already.'
Shikamaru strategized as Temari attacked and Shikmaru increased his shadow's range. But at last she was caught in his attack, to the surprise of everyone but Y/n who leaned forward, waiting to see the next move. Shikamaru walked forwards, Temari's moves mirroring his and he raised her hand before saying, "To hell with it I give up."
Y/n immediately facepalmed and groaned, 'guess I didn't change anything.'
To say the entire arena was frozen in shock would be fairly accurate.
"The winner is, Temari."
'Oh dear, looks like we're up next.'
'Yup, be ready, she's ready for you.'
'Yeah to dodge me cause she knows she can't take me head on.'
'You understand your attacks though right?'
'Not at all Im just going to take all the spite I have for her standing by and crying while the rest of our team almost gets killed and kick her ass.'
'Well that'll be a lesson she won't forget.'
'She better not, I mean she gets better at the end but here, she's a whiny little bitch 75% of the time.'
'So are you.'
'Okay, hurtful, but you right, you right.'
'You have 7 attacks, none of which you'll need with Sakura, but be ready to use them when it starts'

Y/n watched Sakura exit from the stairs before pulling a Shikamaru/Temari and jumping into the arena.
Naruto's cheers were confused as he couldn't decide who to cheer for, but encouraging nonetheless. Hayate went over the rules very quickly and Y/n and Sakura faced each other. "Ready for a good fight Y/n?"
"You know it."
"Ready... Begin!"
Sakura wasted no time throwing kunai at Y/n who easily dodged and rushed forwards towards Sakura. Who kicked and punched and Y/n blocked before grabbing her arm and wheeling back her own fist. "Time-"
"I give!"
Y/n immediately let Sakura go who fell backwards and landed on her butt.
The entire fight lasted maybe 20 seconds, but the entire thing was riveting. The crowd was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
"The winner is, Y/n."
Scattered and confused applause broke out, evidently there was something they didn't know about but that all the more intrigued them as to why Sakura would forfeit 20 seconds in. Especially after what looked like would be a simple punch to the face.

Y/n extended her hand to Sakura, helping her up, and smiled at her apologetically. Sakura then made her way to the waiting area where Naruto bombarded her with questions as Y/n hung back on the stairs.'Dammit, I so wanted to knock someone out today.'
'I'm tired of waiting, all I do it wait, life is so boring right now, I-'
'It won't be for long, you know that.'
'Yes, I know, but-'
'Start singing in your head one more time and I'm taking over for a week.'
'Ugh, we just gotta wait for Sasuke, where'd Sakura go?'
'The waiting area remember?'
'Right.' Y/n heard a commotion in the stairs above her. 'What's that? Must be Gaara, right those people who made bets on Sasuke confront him about throwing the match.'
'Ooo so Sasuke's here then! With that overgrown bangs look no doubt. Seriously like sometimes it looks okay, others- he looks like a hippie.'
'Are you seriously taking about Sasuke's overgrown side bangs.'
'Yes, they look awful that long.'
'Get. A. Move. On.'
'Yes ma'am'

She reached the top of the steps and watch the men confront Gaara. His gourd inched open as they moved to attack him before the sand swallowed them whole. 'Oh shit, this is not a good time.'
Gaara stepped out of the shadows and Y/n turned to see him stand at the top of the steps, staring at her, the bloodlust not get leaving his eyes. He silently walked past her brushing his arm against hers, their eyes locked until he made it past. "You're mine, remember that."
Y/n didn't move and he kept walking and then so did she.

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