Pass or Fail

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or you. Thank you all for reading this, I didn't expect to get more than 20 reads so this means a lot. Yeah, that's it. Onto the story!
Y/n ran in Naruto's direction, knowing Kakashi was already kicking his butt.
'Wait, where's Kakashi? Naruto still hasn't eaten the lunch. Huh that's strange what stopped him?'
Naruto looked up in shocked surprise as Y/n came running back.
" Naruto don't! You're just going to fail for this!"
" Come on Y/n! He's not here! Let's chow down!"
" What do you think you are doing?"
Y/n ran towards Kakashi, gripping her kunai.
"Naruto, you idiot, we're all supposed to be working together!"
Kakashi stared at her in dazed bewilderment, finally someone got it.
Sasuke, Y/n, and Sakura sat on the ground next to Naruto who was tied to a post for trying to eat lunch early. The lunch boxes just out of their reach.
" Uh oh, stomach's growling huh? That's too bad. Oh by the way about this exercise, well I've decided I won't send any of you back to the Academy."
" What? I passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?"
At that note Naruto and Sakura celebrated. Happy cheers erupted from Sakura's mouth.
' I have to get her to knock that off.'
Naruto could barely wrap his head around what he thought was happening.
" That means all four of us, I mean all four of us-"
Kakashi-Sensei smiled mockingly.
" Yea, all four no three of you are being dropped from the program. Permanently. Save Y/n, who actually understood the point of this exercise."
Everyone's face turned into ones of pure shock, Sasuke sent a hateful glare at Y/n and Naruto flipped out.
" Drop us from the program? That means we can never become ninja. You said if we couldn't take the bells we'd be sent back to the Academy. You can't just change your mind and kick us out! What would you do that? And what do you mean Y/n was the only one who understood."
Kakashi's tone took on a more condescending and rude nature
"Because you don't think like ninja, you think like little kids. Like brats."
Sasuke was enraged by this, and ran full force at Kakashi. Kakashi twisted Sasuke's arm and slammed him into the ground before continuing.
"You think it's all about you."
'And cue Sakura.'
Sakura let out a gasp of shock and horror.
"Let go of Sasuke! You can't step on him like he's a bug!"
Kakashi's anger and frustration seemingly grew before malice and annoyance took over.
"You don't know what it means to be ninja. You think it's a game, huh? Why did you think we put you on squads, did you consider that question for one moment. No, none of you, but Y/n thought of this, and immediately saw through to the true point of this."
Sakura blinked frightened, unsure of what it all meant.
" I don't know what you mean."
" I mean, you never realized what this exercise is all about, not even close."
" What it's about?"
'Damn it Sakura, I know you have some sort of brain in there.'
" Yes. That's what determines whether you pass or fail."
"But that's- I mean I wanted to ask you about that from the beginning."

" Use your head, three people, in your case four people, on a squad. Why do you think we would do that?"

"How are we supposed to know why you picked three people? We didn't make the rules!"
'Shut up Naruto! Think!' The blond stared struggling against the ropes, too angry for 'losing' to comprehend what was being asked.

"It's so basic, and yet only one of you got it. Teamwork!"
"Just working together? It's that what you mean?"
'No shit Sakura.'
"That's what I mean. It's too late now. But if all four of you had come at me, you might have been able to take them." 
Sasuke grumbled, squirming against the grip Kakshi had on his arm.
" That's what Y/n tried to tell us, and we didn't listen."
'Oh so you're speaking now, too Sasuke?'
" Well anyway it's over."
" Wait you set it up with four people but only three bells, if we worked together and got the bells, only three of us could keep them, that would lead to group conflict and the squad would break up."
'Bitch! If you hadn't been whining about Sasuke, I could have explained that.'
" Exactly, I purposely pitted you against each other. I wanted to see if you could overcome that and put the squad ahead of yourselves. A genin should have a natural feel for teamwork. But you three, it never even crossed your minds. Sakura, you obsessed about Sasuke who was gone, while Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him. Naruto, you do everything on your own, everything. And you, Sasuke, thought the others were so far beneath you they were worthless, Arrogance. The three of you were so wrapped up in yourselves you ignored Y/n and her logic completely. Y/n helped each of you, Sakura, she could have abandoned you to genjutsu, Sasuke and Naruto, she could have not even gone looking for either of you. But when she tried to explain what was truly going on, you couldn't care less. Ninja missions are carried out in squads, of course you need individual skills, but teamwork is the most essential element. Every shinobi understands this, when individuals put themselves above the squad, this can lead to failure and death. For example, Sakura! Kill Naruto now or Sasuke dies."
He held a kunai to Sasuke's throat for a beat. Sakura tensed up in fear and shock, and Naruto's eyes went wide as saucers.
"That's what happens on a mission."
Naruto and Sakura, let out a gasp, Y/n stared falsely frightened.
Sakura sighed in relief as Kakashi removed the kunai.
"Oh boy, that's was really scary."

" The enemy takes a hostage and you've got an impossible choice, and someone ends up dead. Every mission, your life is on the line. Did you look at this stone the names engraved on it? They are all ninja who are honored a heroes in our village"
The dark stone glimmered in the sunshine, hundreds of thousands of names carefully etched into the faces. Names Y/n recognized, some she didn't, dating back decades.
" That's it! That's it! That's it! Now I know! I've decided I'm going to have my name engraved on that stone! I'm not going to live and die for nothing like a dog! I'm going to be a hero! A hero."
'Oh hunny, no you really don't.'
Y/n shot a pitiful glance at Kakshi before turning to Naruto.
" You don't want your name there Naruto."
"Huh? Why?"
She turned back to Kakashi, checking for confirmation.
" It's a memorial, isn't it Kakashi- Sensei?"
" They are, a special kind of hero, yes it's a memorial stone for those killed in action. The names of my closest friends are engraved here."
All was silent, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke looking down in sympathy, Y/n was different, she was sympathetic but she knew what happened to them, every single one.
" Alright, I'm going to give you one more chance because someone actually understood. "
' Bullshit, you would have given us another chance regardless.'
" I'm going to make it much harder on you, you'll have three hours to get a bell, eat lunch now to build up strength, but Naruto doesn't get any. It's your punishment for breaking the rules and trying to eat by yourself. And if anyone tries to feed him, that person will immediately fail. I make the rules. You follow them. Got it?"
The three sat eating their lunch as Naruto struggled against the post and his stomach. Well technically, Y/n didn't eat, she felt bad for Naruto and sat waiting for Sasuke to give Naruto his lunch.
'Wait, maybe I should lead by example, there's more of a risk now. No they need to figure it out by themselves'
" Aren't you going to eat your lunch, Y/n?"
Y/n sighed, 'Here goes nothing,' 
"No, I don't think it's fair to Naruto."
Naruto insisted that he could go on without eating for days, weeks even.
Sasuke stared, wheels turning in his head. He held his  food in front of Naruto.
" Here, if you don't eat you'll just be weak and ineffective. That'll slow the team down, and we need to work together to get those bells."
Sakura and Y/n did the same, insisting Sasuke keep his. Yet Narito only noticed Sakura.
" But isn't that your lunch?"
" Take it!"
"My hands are tied though."
She came to the realization she'd have to feed him and groaned in annoyance.
"Ugh! Right, but just this once, got it, and not a word to anyone else."
"Got it."
Sakura carefully picked up some rice and fed it to Naruto.
Kakashi emerged from puff of smoke.
"You! You broke the rules. Be ready for the punishment."
Kakashi began weaving handsigns, and desire knowing this was an act, Y/n couldn't help but cower with the others.
" Any last words?"
"But you said"
" You said that there were four of us and that's why."
"We're all on this squad. And we're all in it together."
"We're a team!"
" Yeah that right be gave our lunch to him because the four of us are one."
"Uh... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Believe it! That's right!"
"The four of you are one that's your excuse? Hm."
He stepped forward before his demeanor changed.
"You pass."


"You. Pass."
Sakura deadpanned shocked and still frightened.
"What do you mean? How'd we pass?"
"You're the first squad that actually succeeded. The others did exactly what I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world those who break the rules are scum, that's true. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."
" He's uh ya know, he's kinda cool"
Naruto mumbled in shock.
"The exercise is over, everyone passes. Squad Seven starts its first mission tomorrow."
Sakura fist-bumped the air, shouting,
"I did it! I did it! Believe it! I'm a ninja Ninja! Ninja!"
"Let's go home!"
The other three walked away as Naruto was stuck to the post.
Y/n winced at the shouting and sighed for the millionth time that day.
" Hold on Naruto, I'll untie you."

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