Rage and Vengence

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Disclaimer I do not own Naruto or you
I'm alive!!! Unfortunately. But on the bright side I can keep writing this. A quick thank you for all being so understanding. I'm still feeling sluggish, but I'm not throwing up so that's a plus. I literally had a 100.3 degree Fahrenheit fever. So yeah.... But guess who still went to school? Anyways, I have so many ideas and I'm pumped to continue this.
Y/n's eyes scanned the scene in front of her. Sasuke was unconscious a few feet away. She reached out to touch his neck, the chakra cloak parting so her hand could make contact. He was cold from being surrounded by ice but there was a steady pulse, he was alive. Y/n let out a small sigh of relief, even though she knew he'd be fine, he just looked so battered. It scared her, she was scared for Naruto now too. The ice was shattered around them by some powerful force.
'Where is he?'

Naruto continued to pummel Haku.
"That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard!"
The look of rage on his face frightened her, he might actually kill him.
'He's not stopping, his cloak...'
Y/n stared wide eyed as her tailed-beast cloak strengthened around her.

She could see it, Kakashi hadn't activated his chidori yet. Y/n sighed it was her only choice, if she wanted to save them all.
'Ryoko, stall them.'
'For how long?'
'Till Gato shows.'

Y/n felt her awareness of the outside world melt away as Ryoko came front and center. The dragon grinned at the feeling of freedom, even if it was just a taste.
She shook loose Y/n's hair which had been pulled back seconds before, and her lips pursed.
"Alright then, let's do this."

Haku was staring at her shocked,
"But... But you. You were dead."
Ryoko used her host's voice to decrease suspicion. But even still the cloak was obvious to anyone who knew what it was.
"No. I wasn't, and for the record. Are you seriously just going to give up? Pathetic."

Naruto's face softened and he stopped mid punch, "Y-y/n?".
"Told you I'd be fine," she paused glancing at the boy from the woods, "Haku, it's not your time."
Haku's gaze hardened, Naruto didn't understand, but Haku knew what Ryoko and consequently Y/n were getting at. They were planning, he may have believed Y/n about Gato after all.

He summoned as much strength as he had, and moved to attack. Y/n and Naruto was ready, but the fox had already clocked out when she appeared. Their fight brought them close to Zabuza and Kakashi.

Everything happened so fast from there, she rushed at Haku, her heart beating so hard and so fast her head started pounding.

Her cloak had melted back to her skin, and the only way you could tell it wasn't really Y/n was her eyes. One contained her visual jutsu, but the other... The pupil had slit into a reptilian one, her Iris turned multicolored. A colors blending together to form a rainbow. Her hair was wild, but that was easily explained.

She attempted to drive Haku away from Kakashi, but he moved to help his students. Naruto tried to join the attack, but Sakura had pulled him away asking where Sasuke was.

Haku freed Zabuza from Kakashi's dogs, and Ryoko switched back with Y/n as Kakashi got a good look at her eyes. He caught a glimpse but he always blamed the lighting. That wasn't possible, there was just no way.

But the two had no time to speak as Zabuza and Haku rushed at them. Y/n's feet moved on their own as she dodged. Kakashi decided to be extra and did a few backflips to avoid Zabuza's blade. Their fight was interrupted by the sound of a cane tapping against the ground.

Fallen (A Naruto Reader Insert)(Female Version)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora