~I'm Just a F#$%ing Kid~

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or you.

So my friend who thought he had covid tested negative, same with my sister's boyfriend so we good. It really do be like that sometimes tho. It was storming all day today which was fun. Scared the hell out of my poor cat, he hates thunder, poor Haku, doesn't know anything, doesn't even know abc, only knows be little and fluffy. So yeah, ya'll might hate me a bit after this chapter. It's about to be real angsty. Possible trigger warning for minor suicidal thoughts and panic attacks, please read at your own risk. This part stretches over 7 or 8 volumes of manga as I have now noted so I think this fanfic is going to end in about 7 chapters, which is scary, I honestly thought I'd have more time but there is just so much filler. From where we left off last there are roughly 3, 3 in 1, volumes before we move to Shippuden. Which is insane. So fair warning, y'all are gonna hate me. Next chapter will be out tomorrow. Onto the story!


Within the next few days, Y/n planned, she planned and waited. No way to know, no way to be sure of when Sasuke would leave. Only that he would. Which was odd, seeing the future and all. But she chalked it up to not getting enough sleep. Her memories were getting fuzzy now. So much had happened... that must be it. Her visions were less precise; missing pieces that she should be able to see. But it's fine, those were just about things occurring directly to her. Everyone else was okay... Right? Sasuke was going to leave, he HAD to leave. There would be nothing she could do. And it will tear the team apart for awhile. Most of the village started ignoring her, being distant. The whispers around town started again: did they still blame her? No. They couldn't. Why would they stop blaming her then blame her again? Why couldn't people trust her? Ryoko felt harder and harder to reach. What was going on? Everyday when she went off to train it felt as if the seal holding Ryoko in would get tighter and tighter. There was a dream she kept having; it wouldn't leave her consciousness. But just when she'd look to find out who was speaking, she'd wake up. A man and a woman, talking cautiously, the man, all too familiar, a certain snake... The woman, so close, yet so far, like her mind knew who it was but she didn't want it to be true so she blocked it out.

It would start out in a bunker, somewhere underground.

'"The girl cannot interfere. You_____ bring her to us. ___________ trusts you."

"Yes, my_____. I know, memories________ fragile.___ easy to change."

"__she's too _________to lose____, ___ doesn't know, _______ correct?"

"That girl___ trusting____ naïve,____ sad really."

It would always be blurry, only snips and pieces of the conversation would be caught, always the same ones, the words would float around their heads like smoke before disappearing. The woman was wearing green.

She'd wake up. Shooting up in bed to a sitting position. Her blood pounding in her ears, her heart racing, her lungs chasing her breath as she raked her fingers through her hair, across her scalp. It was never a terrifying dream, just unnerving, never knowing who the woman was. And yet every time she woke up, she woke up with a scream on her lips, tears in her eyes, her stomach in her throat. Why. Why. Why. Why this dream? A vision, surely, but why couldn't she see it. Who is the girl they are speaking about? Is it her? If so, who has betrayed her? Unless... NO. Her brain screamed, it didn't make sense. So she dismissed it, she let the pain fester, she let the dream tear her mind to shreds; she felt her mental being rot from the terror of not knowing.


The morning of the day that Sasuke ran away was an ordinary morning. From their latest mission Sasuke had been injured, but he was okay. Everything was fine. Until she was asked to meet with Lady Tsunade in her office.

Fallen (A Naruto Reader Insert)(Female Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora