Ha Bitch You Thought

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or you

Oops sorry, I ended up crocheting until 1 am. Completely unintended, but here we are lol. Honestly can't believe I've been writing this fic since the summer before my junior year of high school. Kinda crazy, anyways... Onto the story!


Y/n was immediately thrown back into consciousness as she heard Kabuto scream in pain. Snapping her eyes open she turned her head to see Naruto's rasengan throwing Kabuto back into a rock.

'Nice one Naruto.'

She glanced around at everyone's stunned faces, 'Well, that won't last for long...', and Naruto's feet swayed underneath him in the aftermath. Then he collapsed, teetering backwards onto the earth. Y/n, fighting off the now dull throbbing in her head, joined Tsunade to scramble to Naruto's aid.

Kneeling next to Naruto, and placing her hand on his face, instinctively checking his temperature as well as establishing an emotional link with him, she stared at him for a while. 'Okay maybe I do have a tini tiny crush on Naruto...'

Tsunade shook her head in disbelief at the h/c girl, "How did you..." "Jinchuriki, remember?" Seemingly satisfied with Y/n's temporary answer, she turned to Kabuto. Kabuto, breathing heavily, injured and bleeding, with a large abrasion on his abdomen where the rasengan hit.

"And you? How can you be standing after that?'

Kabuto laughed as if it was a silly question, his skin beginning to smoke, "I focused my chakra at the point of impact," he answered slyly, "Before he'd even hit me, I'd started healing myself, you see now why Lord Orochimaru values me so highly, not only for my skills and knowledge of jutsu, but most of all for my recuperative powers. No matter how great the injury, I can repair and re-energize any damaged cells."

He stepped forward cautiously, "Naruto, on the other hand, doesn't have that gift. He looks finished."

"So do you. Your talents are all well and good but they didn't help Orochimaru any did they? You'd sooner be his downfall than his salvation. You seem to ignore that you're almost out of chakra."

"That's right, I almost forgot about you, seems you're tougher than you look. Or are you foolish, you should know when to stay down little girl."

"You shut your filthy misogynistic mouth."

Kabuto took another step, gasping in shock at the sudden pain that coursed through him as he fell to the ground. 'Ha bitch you thought you weren't that injured..."

Y/n paid him no mind and immediately turned back to Naruto as Tsunade lifted her head off his chest, remembering what would happen next.

"His heart is failing. The muscles surrounding his heart have been torn to shreds, how and when did it happen?"

She began trying her best to heal him as Y/n's headache returned with a fury. Y/n felt her chest tighten in panic but she fought the urge to faint again, how she got up in her state was a mystery and a miracle.

"You're wasting your time, its all over for him," Kabuto gasped, "With my last strength, I severed his heart's chakra network. I cut him off from getting any help from the demon, the Nine-Tailed Fox. And he hasn't the power to save himself. I'm telling you he's finished. Dead. All your skills are useless now."

'All her skills... SHUT UP! He'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'll be fine...'

"OH SHUT UP! You'll be dead soon, I'll see to THAT!"

Naruto stopped breathing.

'I can't help him, I'm barely conscious myself. Am I going to have to watch my best friend die?'

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