The First Serious Mission : To the Land of Waves

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Disclaimer I don't own Naruto or you
The faint sound of static hummed in Y/n's ears from her head piece. One by one, her teammates and herself gave their positions. Ready to find and apprehend the target.
"Sasuke: I'm at point B."
"Sakura: I'm at point C."
" Y/n: I'm at point D"
There was silence before Naruto have his position.
"Naruto: I'm at point A, Believe it."
Kakashi's voice rang clear in their ears.
" You're slow Naruto. Okay Squad Seven."
Sasuke cut it and Kakashi's voice cut off.
Sasuke's hushed voice turning into one of urgency.
"The target has moved! Follow it!"
A dark blurb with glowing eyes moved effortlessly through the trees. Urgent to get away from the group, before growing tired and stopping.

The squad came to a halt, Naruto's voice too taking on a hushed whisper.
"Over there!"
They hide themselves behind trees surrounding the small clearing where their target stopped.
Kakashi's voice cut back in, "What's your distance from the target?"
Naruto was the closest, "5 meters. I'm ready just give the signal."
"I'm ready too."
"So am I."
Four sets of trained eyes watching their target's moves, waiting.
"Okay... Now!"
The four genin took off, zeroing in on their target.
Naruto grabbed the target first, the brown cat screeching as Naruto shouted, "I got him! I got him!"
Naruto screeched as the cat scrached him up. 
'Oh dear.'
"Give him to me Naruto."
Naruto practically threw the cat at Y/n, and Tora immediately snugged up to Y/n's gentle grip.
Sasuke spoke with Kakashi-Sensei as the other three kept an eye on the cat.
"Did you verify ribbon? Right ear?"
"Affirmative we've got a positive I.D."
"Right, lost pet Tora, captured. Mission accomplished."
Naruto sat up, Y/n pulled the earpiece out of her ear before he started shouting, not a moment too soon.
"Can't we get a better mission than this?!!! I HATE CATS!"
Feedback screeched as the other members of her team grabbed their ears in discomfort.
" Oh! My poor little Tora! Mommy was so worried about her naughty little fuzzykins! Yes."
Tora was uncomfortably yodeling as his owner smothered him, speaking as one would speak to a baby.
'Poor thing, she means well, but.... I should say something.'
Y/n took a polite step towards the woman.
"Um, excuse me mam? I believe you are holding him a little tight."
The woman looked shocked for a second before she noticed him searching to get away from her.
"Huh? Oh dear!"

"If I may, if you slide your right arm down slightly and loosen your grip, he'll be more comfortable."
The woman followed suit and the cat immediately relaxed curling against his owner and purring.
"Oh thank you! Thanks all of you for finding him!"
The woman promptly left with the now much happier feline.
The Hokage cleared his throat and began speaking after the door closed.
"Now then, for Squad Seven's next mission, we have several available tasks. Among them, babysitting the chief counsellor's three year old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes and the-"
"No!!! I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging and exciting not this little kid's stuff! C'mon old man."
The squad stared at Naruto annoyed at the way he voiced the obvious collective opinion. Iruka had enough,
Naruto's voice matched Iruka's tone, extremely perturbed
Kakashi whacked Naruto in the back of the neck, he too reaching his limit.
"Will you put a lid on it?"
Naruto cowered and whined at the pain at the back of his neck.
"Naruto! It seems you do not understand, the tasks you have been given. Listen, many different kind of requests come into our village, everyday. From babysitting, to assassinations. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed, then ranked, A, B, C, or D. Depending on their difficultly. We ninja are also ranked by ability. Hokage at the top, Jonin, Chunin, and Genin at the bottom. At the highest level we select the missions give them to ninja who have the appropriate skill and experience. And if the mission is successful we receive a fee that supports our village and our work. Since you are untried genin, just starting down the shinobi path, you are given D level assignments of course. Hmmm?"
Naruto wasn't listening and was just chatting to the rest of the squad.
"So I had this Tonkotsu (I think that's how it's spelled)Ramen yesterday and I'm thinking Miso Ramen today and-"
Kakashi was also listening to Naruto, as he had already heard this spiel as everyone has.
"Oh, sorry!"
Kakashi laughed sheepishly as Naruto turned back to face the Hokage from his place on the floor.
"You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something! But I'm not the little brat who used to pulled pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now! And I want a ninja mission!"
He then turned his back, Kakashi sheepishly rubbing his neck and muttering, " I'm going to hear about this latter."
The Hokage began laughing to himself.
"Naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat, he's a former brat, and he wants a mission. So be it."
"Since you are so determined, I'm going to give you a C Ranked mission. You'll be body guards on a journey.
Really?! Yes!!! Who? Are we guarding a Princess or some big-wig counsellor?!
"Patience! I will bring him in now. Send in our visitor."
Everyone's attentions where on the door, it slid open as the man came into view. He was clearly drunk or at the very least tipsy. It was evident from his sluggish deme our at the bottle of liquor that he held loosely in his hand.
"What the? A bunch of little snot nosed kids?!"
" And you two, the one with the idiotic look on your face and the little girl. You really expect me to believe that you two are ninja?"
Y/n blinked, she was shorter than Sakura, so the only one he could mean was her.
"Huh? Who's the little girl and the one with the idiotic look on his...."
"I'll demolish you, wait until I get my hand on you!"
"Excuse you?!! I'm not that short!"
Kakashi grabbed Naruto and Y/n by their collars, Naruto was kind of pissed, but Y/n saw red. You know what they say, shorter people are closer to Satan.
"You can't demolish the client, Naruto it doesn't work that way, and Y/n calm down."

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