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For the second time in my life, I was standing in front of the sophisticated and powerful people who would scrutinize my work. My pulse quickened and heart raced a cold and chill ran down my spine but other than these perturbations there was this hint of excitement running through my veins. 

"Good Morning everyone, I'm Sally your Marketing officer. We gathered today to discuss our plans for the launching of "Russo chills wine edition" I just want to point out three agendas for today's meeting. First, is the label design. Second, the QR Code. And lastly, the launching itself. As we had agreed on the last meeting we will use the Thermochromic ink on the labels. Therefore, the marketing team teamed up with the Monochrome printing agency."  I clicked the clicker pen to showed the next slide.

"As we went through the process of creating this label we have decided to add another element." On the slide was the proposed labels. The design of the label was sleek black, gold, and white, and it made the bottles appeared classic and elegant. "As you can see in this photo we added a neck collar where the QR code is located. At the back of the bottles, there's information about the wine itself. There's also a note on which temperature the wine is at best."

"These small squares with a different shade of colors indicates the temperature of the wines—" I said while pointing the laser on the screen. "While this bigger square at the corner indicates the perfect color or temperature. Actually, we brought a sample here." I said. Turning my head at the corner of the room where the sample of bottles was. My other colleague pushed the trolley at the front. "This the room temperature Chianti, as you can see the label itself is still white but once we chilled this it'll change its color. The chianti is best to drink at its optimum temperature of 10-18°C." I explained as I put the wine back on the trolley and my colleague handing over the chilled wine which had already changed the white color to red. "This is the chilled Chianti bottle."

I pulled out my phone from my suit's pocket, before explaining about the QR code. As I scanned the QR code through my phone as promised a mobile site had pulled up containing information on each wine and the company itself and a section where the consumers could virtually buy their wines and made a custom made labels. I also explained that we could start the preselling of the edition once they have approved of it.

Their satisfied nod and smile had boosted my confidence.

"For our last agenda today, the marketing team decided to propose to launch this wine edition at the Hotel Moretti as the owner Luca Moretti is one of our investors.  We thought that probably, they could offer us a much lesser price for the venue. We will set up a meeting with their sales executive to further discuss it." I said. "Of course, if you have any suggestions would be valuable."

"That's excellent ideas, Miss. Cruz, do set up a meeting with the Hotel Moretti, and let's see what they could offer." Massimo agreed. " I must suggest though, how about you make the video advertisement on the site a little short. A three-minute video is rather longer don't you think?" Massimo stated, he was seating casually at the head of the table. Gone the twisted grin and mischievous glint in his amber eyes. Right there and then he looked like a true business tycoon. If I didn't know him I might have peed myself.

"Yes, sir we can do that." I answered with confidence.

"Present it to me, later this day." As Massimo said it my eyes budge a little and he'd noticed it as the corner of his lips twitched. "After that, you can start the preselling." He continued.

"Yes sir." I answered. "Any final thoughts before we closed the meeting?" I asked, as no one answered I thanked them all for their time.

Right after the meeting, the team decided to finish the video advertisement. We were working on it when my phone suddenly rang I looked at the caller ID and found out it was an unregistered number. Excusing myself, I  went out of the room before answering it.

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