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Massimo's POV

As usual, when I woke the next morning, Red was curled into me just like every morning. Her body cradled mine, her head rested on my chest, one of her arms and legs were wrapped around my length. She was like a koala bear clinging onto a branch of a tree and I was the tree. To be honest, this position wasn't very comfortable it made my body stiff and numb, but fuck it! I would endure any of it as long as it was her. I knew this wasn't like any other mornings we had before. The sunlight penetrated through the gap in the curtains, my fingers gently traced her cheek, she stirred a little while scrunching her cute nose before pressing her other cheek tightly against my chest.

Last night was extremely eventful and it drained us both, but it clarified things between us. It wasn't my plan to tell her that I loved her but it slipped out of my mouth when things got heavy. I knew I caught her off guard heck! Even I was shocked when I admitted it but I couldn't take it back anymore. I knew she wouldn't believe me she would think that I was lying and if I dared to take it back it would only make things worst from bad, and why would I take it back if it was the truth.

Frankly, I was a little disappointed when Red didn't say it back, but in the past, I've learned to be patient especially when it comes to her. I knew she was still torn between her past thanks to those men who went through her life. Fuck! I wanted to find each and one of them and skin them to death, particularly her bastard of an ex. No wonder she made steel walls that barricade her heart. Thanks to them it gave me a hard fight smashing it down and I was in this situation.

When I pictured pouring my heart's content to her in my imagination she reciprocated it. Then we would make love until the sun comes out as we couldn't get enough of each other. By that thought my cock came to life. Fuck! No woman ever had this effect on me.  I wanted her and wanted to possess her.

Carefully I untangled myself from her and slipped off the bed intending not to wake her up. I quietly went inside the bathroom. For a minute I stared at my reflection in the mirror I almost didn't recognize the man who stared back at me. My lips were stretched too wide I couldn't wipe off the grin. My eyes got bags under it yet it sparkled with passion, happiness, and contentment.

When I walked out of the bathroom and entered the bedroom Red was still sleeping peacefully just like how the way I've left her. With one last looked at her I went out of the bedroom.

I was cooking some bacon and pancakes when Dante suddenly appeared beside me he was still dressed in gym clothes a bottle of water in hand.

"I guess, things got better between you two." He stated.

I took a glimpse of him, he was staring at me with a cocky smile. "You can say that," I responded nonchalantly evoking a cackled from him. "I'm glad I'm giving you an entertainment, Dante." I muttered while flipping the pancakes.

"With you making pancakes right now, I assumed you've really stelled things right." He said and I just shrugged.  "Man, you don't know how worried I was how worried we were. You don't know what I've been through just to stop those women from barging here."

"Maria and Guilia?" I asked.

He nodded. "Damn, they were so worried. I'd almost restrained and locked them in a room, and you know how insisting Maria is."

"I know, sorry man." It almost gave my creeps thinking about how Maria argued with Dante. That woman she was as sweet as a candy then became as wicked as a witch if she wanted.

"I was so worried when I came here, I thought I would find this place turned upside down, you know bloody carpets broken things shattered glasses—"

"Why did you think we would do that?" I interrupted him.

" With you two, trust me it's not impossible. With your wild cat there I know she would put out a fight." Dante was right Red would fight for herself that woman doesn't know the word give up. But Dante was also wrong for one thing I wouldn't hurt Red. "That scratched on your cheek is the indicator."  He continued, pointing at my cheek with a Cheshire cat grin.

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