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Massimo Vitéli's POV

I still couldn't believe that I finally found her. I spent almost two years of searching without basic knowledge of her; such as her real name, finding her was next to nothing. I thank my luck for that viral video it helped me to know where her about. Now that I've found her I'll make sure that she could never run away from me again I won't let her.

Since that night almost two years ago, that woman ruined me. Before her, I would do anything that I wanted. They say I changed girls like how I change my clothes, what can I say I love girls and especially what's between their legs. But everything falls into chaos because of her, she ruined me to any other woman. When I kissed another woman I couldn't help but compare them to her, her tastes, her moan, her smell, how inexperienced she was that I wanted to teach her how to do it right.

What infuriated me the most was I haven't had a chance to taste and explore more of her because she ran away. No woman ever run away from me!

The looked on her face when she saw me was already engraved on my mind. How her beautiful dark doll eyes were as big as a saucer and her mouth hanged open—

"What are you smiling about?" My secretary slash friend Nilo asked.

We were sitting and drinking at the private lounge of one of my friends.

" Yeah, baby what are you smiling about?" The blonde girl with a flimsy dress and full cake make-up on her faced implored. She was trying so damn hard to sound seductive but obviously failing. My friend assigned these hoes to assist us. If I was still the same Massimo I would surely accept this and might hit on her, but like I said I was never been the same.

"Do you enjoy it! Do you want to continue this somewhere? Perhaps with a bed?" The blonde girl whispered in my ear while playing with the button of my dress shirt. This kind of girl irritates me the most.

I shoved her off of me, she fell straight on the floor. The woman let out a surprised gasp. Nilo who was sitting at the other side of the couch with a girl on his lap looked at me with bewilderment.

"What the fuck dude? What's the matter?" He asked then stood up before helping the girl who was still on the floor.

I just shrugged then headed downstairs at the public bar.

I was sitting at the bar facing the dance floor, a glass of cognac in hand. Occasionally some woman approached me and I snarled at all of them to leave me the fuck alone. I only craved for one woman.

When I roamed my eyes again at the crowd I thought the woman in my thoughts was in the crowd but then she was gone. I think my mind was playing tricked on me maybe because she was always on my mind that was why even in reality I pictured her.

I drank the remaining cognac from my glass then asked the bartender for another one. When I'd faced again the dance floor, every nerve in my body had throbbed and rage-filled my vision.

At the center of the dance floor was Red in the arms of some loser of a man. He whispered something in her ear that made her smile. Smile that— that was supposed just for me.

I strode towards them I shoved everyone who got in my way. When I finally reached them I entangled the man off of her. He landed straight to the floor. What a loser I thought.

When I had enough of this bullshit. I threw her on my shoulder like a madman before striding up to the private lounge and dropped her on the couch unceremoniously.

Fire flared in her eyes. "You—you! Infuriating Brute you don't have any right to do this to me and to my friend!" She shouted furiously while stabbing her forefinger in my direction.

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