I muttered a string of profanities as I walked to my door. Taking a deep breath, I opened it and halted, "F*cking great."

Cole and Mika were walking out the Mayor's office holding hands. When the door closed, she dropped his hand instantly and rubbed her face. The woman looked stressed. She seemed so cheerful during lunch. Despite her hoarse voice, her eyes shone with jolly stars. She even held an excited smile when they left the office bare seconds ago. Her change in mood was swift and unexpected by me.

However, Cole seemed used to this. He instinctively hugged her. His hold was surely needed because Mika clung to him as her shoulders shook, indicating she was crying.

I looked on as he placed a few gently kissed on her head. His lips moved against her hair; speaking to her softly, but I managed to hear a few words, ". . . you're worried. . . get better. . . sis-"

Mika raised her head to look at him, "Don't lie to me."

Not wanting to hear anymore of their conversation, I interrupted, "Excuse me," The couple turned to me and I failed to miss the way Cole's eyes lit up for a moment.

"You're blocking the door." Awkwardness was eating at me as I realised how far I was from them.

Moving closer, I gestured to the door behind their embraced bodies, "Please move." Despite the words, my tone gave a bad attitude.

Mika look confused for a moment but moved out of Cole's arms and stepped to the side. However, Cole stepped forward, towards me. I tried to widen the distance by walking back. When he saw that I wasn't allowing him any closer to me, he stopped.

We kept eye contact with a conversation that held no meaning. I couldn't understand why he's acting like this - especially with his girlfriend right there. He did a brief turn in her direction then walked to the open elevator.

Mika's face had confusion written all over it. As she passed me, she gave a small wave of her fingers with a smile. It wasn't spiteful or nasty - rather genuine.

She made her way over to Cole. Turning in the elevator, she gave me three signs that confused me. A finger pointed to me, a finger pointed to Cole, then brought together to make a heart.

With that, the doors closed on the woman who now wore a mischievous smile, and her partner who stared at me with sad eyes.

*Third Person's POV*

"He's such an a*shole! You'd think with a head that big he'd at least have room for a brain! Or maybe even 1% of common sense!" Kiara shouted in frustration.

"Girl, I feel you. It's always the people 'above' you who say the most ignorant things."

"I actually agree with you on that one. Cole even called him a snob." She mumbled the last part as a subconscious thought before popping a marshmallow in her mouth.

"Oh, how's Cole? Are the two of you together yet?"

Kiara choked on her marshmallow. "N-no!" She couldn't manage any other words.

Her aunt snickered, "I think he likes you."

Kiara felt her face heat up. For an unknown reason what aunt Darcy said brought back memories from when she kissed Cole.

"No, he doesn't. Let's not talk about him. I called you to rant about the idiot, aka my boss, who sent me home early because of what I wore!" Her anger was back, and this time fully directed at the Mayor.

She harshly bit a Snickers remembering what the Mayor told her in his office.

~ ~ ~

*Kiara's POV*

The Colour of Our Love || Interracial Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें