My King

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I pushed the shelf further and saw a room that was completely dark the only source of light was from the library now casting a large shadow of mine as I stood at the side of the door along with few small lights coming from the machines attached to a beautiful creature lying with bare chest showing off his 6 pack abs on a very small bed. He had a long beard along with long hair. If it was a normal person then they would not have noticed all these things but my extraordinary vision was enabling me to clearly see and memorise every single detail. I looked around the room to find a fucking blanket or something but found none. How can they leave the former alpha in such a small, cold and dark room.? From the layers of dirt pilled up on floor, it looks like no one cleaned this room in years. However the only and most important thing on my mind is how can he still have such a handsome and peaceful face along with those fine looking abs? . Ariel did you found anything. Samantha asked me through mind link. Soon followed by Alan and Jackson asking the same question. Guys found him, they just left him in a small, dark room to only survive till this day. I replied to all of them.
Ariel it's 3:25 just hurry up and move him.
I moved closer to him standing on his right side noticing his soft but outstanding features, like a peaceful smile decorating his face along with those sharp eyebrows, a well defined jaw and sharp nose. He was like a magnet who was unknowingly pulling me towards him. Getting out of my trance, I started to remove all the things hooked to his body trying to avoid touching him or more specifically his naked chest. As I moved a little towards him to remove the patches attached to him on the other side I felt tingles shot through my body then I felt someone hold my wrist. I looked down to saw dark brown eyes staring at me well those eyes do compliment his pitch black hair grown to a long length with a long beard . Realization soon downed onto me." Ma.." he kissed me before I could even finish my scentance, or more like properly begin a sentence. The kiss was gentle and hesitant as if he was afraid that this is all a dream. What's with all my mates kissing me as soon as they saw me well not that I complain, because if it's going to feel this amazing then I am totally down for it. I kissed him back with all the feelings that I was having at this moment consisting of relief that I found him, anger due to the condition he was in and a little bit of lust because he still looked hot. We were both lost in our thoughts as we kissed. After a while I broke the kiss, he looked at me flashing me a billion dollar smile. His teeth they were still white as pearls.
Ariel where are you, Samantha mind linked me. Oh shit the mission, wait which mission? Ohhhh the Kidnapping one, totally forgot about it.
Guys change of plans, Alan, Jackson delay the ceremony for as long as possible. I mind linked them.
Ariel are you mad what are you doing? . They said in unison.
Just believe me I assured them.
Eric was looking at me intently. I looked at my watch and saw that I have only two minutes left. "Eric just believe me for now and I'll explain everything later." I said while removing all those patches attached. "let's go". Then I used my super speed to drag him out of the pack house, his legs were wobbly for a moment but he adjusted pretty quickly. I then got in the car and told my driver to take us to any nearby salon in humans territory. After a while we found one I practically dragged Eric with me to the salon saying that he was shocked was an understatement. A barber soon came to greet us " We are in hurry can you please quickly give him a classy hairstyle." wait here till I get back and if you want something else just tell him "I said referring to my driver Sam." Sam give me the keys I am heading to a nearby boutique. " I said demanding the keys, Eric was just eyeing me curiously. I quickly rushed towards the car, got in the driver's seat and headed towards a nearby boutique according to GPS. I reached the boutique after about five minutes and was greeted by a middle aged woman. " Hello dear how may I help you?" she asked nicely. " I am in a hurry can you show me some nice and elegant dresses." I asked fidgeting with my fingers. "sure dear follow me". She said walking towards the stair. After stairs there was a large room containing about 3 trying rooms. I took out my mobile and took pictures of some of the dresses and sent them to Samantha.
"Samantha choose a dress, we are going to attend the ceremony." I texted her.
"What?!, you should have told me earlier. What the hell are you upto and what about my makeup?" she texted back probably freaking out. "okay I want the white one" she texted back after two minutes.
Now my turn I looked around touching different material when finally my eyes landed on a dress that was purple but became white as is came down to my feet. I paid the lady and also bought a pair of silver heels for me and blue for Samantha. Jackson's suit was blue coat and white shirt this way they will match. I raomed around for some time before buying a suit and pair of shoes for Eric. Now how do I know their sizes so for Samantha I know her size because I went shopping with her during my welcome party a few days ago, she created a huge fuss about finding the dress in her size that it's hard to forget, and for Eric let's say he has an unforgettable body and after ogling at him for sometime it was not that hard to guess.
I went back to the salon to find my handsome caveman transformed into a freaking model. His beard was completely gone, hair sytled and looks like he took a bath while I was gone.

Ariel what are you upto? Jackson's voice bought me out of my thoughts and I realized that I was shamelessly eye raping the fine creature in front of me. I quickly gave him cloths to change.

I am planning on becoming the Luna of Silvermoon pack I mind linked Jackson.

What?! Are you freaking crazy woman, he is your ex mate it's destined to be that way get over it. We have to destroy Jordan. How can you do that by mating with his son get this thing straight.
They both mind linked me.

Relax guys I said that I am going to become Luna but never said that Liam is going to be the alpha. I mind linked the three of them knowing that Samantha broke the news of me attending the ceremony.

Alpha Eric he is your mate, isn't he. Should have guessed it earlier he was the person you went to get and now you are suddenly becoming the Luna. Alan said in the mind link.
I always knew that he was the smart one.
We know what you are planning to do now just hurry up we have already delayed the ceremony for two hours.

Now how did they delayed it, let's just say they are talented in that section. Most of the times when we needed to delay a party they would start fighting. People would try to stop them as they cannot simply kick them out because of their titles. But I am interested in finding the topic they started a fight on. Last time it was a cupcake, hope it's something better this time.

Be there in 15 minutes I mind linked back.

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