At 7:30 am, Kenma woke up and immediately removed his oxygen mask from his mouth and coughed.

It was alarming that it made Akaashi run to the cabinet to get the yellow basin in case Kenma vomited with liquid but both of them were glad that he only vomited petals.

"Are you alright?" Akaashi asked. Kenma slowly nodded his head. "I'm fine... I guess." He said with his cracked voice.

It broke his heart seeing his friend lie over something he couldn't hide. It was really obvious he's in a lot of pain. He took a glance at Yuuji whose face is emotionless but he was sure that seeing Kenma like this is squeezing his heart.


Akaashi snapped back into reality when Tsukishima sat beside him.

"You seem problematic, Akaashi-san." Kei looked at him with a serious expression before looking at the sky.

He lowered his head and looked at the cold canned cola in his right hand.

"This situation frustrates me. It was really painful to see Yuuji and Kenma suffering the pain." Akaashi drank in his cola after speaking.

Kei remained silent.

"I really want to help them. I want to ease their pain in any way I can..." Akaashi can feel the liquid building up under his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut and finished his cola.

"Kenma's decision is really... I don't get it. I don't like it." Akaashi shook his head multiple times.

"No one likes his decision, Akaashi-san." Kei said. "I didn't like it that I wanted to schedule his operation to remove the flowers from his lungs and heart without his consent." He laughed at his own words.

"But... after hearing his reasons, I somehow got his point." He flicked his glasses and looked at Akaashi.

"Kenma-san is a smart person, he sees things clearly and calmly thought of the best solution that'll benefit everyone." Kei said.

Akaashi knows it best. He'd been Kenma's friend since their third year highschool. He knows Kenma decides not for himself but for everyone's sake.

Kenma was the nicest person he had ever met in his life, even though he looks uninterested, Akaashi was sure that he cares the most, especially when it comes to his loved ones.

"I know, one of the reasons why he chose not to remove the flowers from his chest was because of me." Kei said that made Akaashi stilled.

"It was just a feeling but I know that being in a relationship with Kuroo-san affected Kenma-san's decision."

Akaashi patted his shoulder, "Tsukishima, it wasn't your fault, it's no one's fault." He patted Kei's shoulder once again before leaning his back on the bench.

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