Chapter 2: The Idol Temple

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Indy grabbed out an old greyish brown sack out of his pocket and bent down. He started filling it with dirt off the damp jungle floor. After the bag was thick enough he put it bag into his pocket. Satipo stood confused watching.

"Señor, No one has come out of there alive!"

Indy turned Satipo around and grabbed the well -worn backpack off of him. The archeologist grabbed out a small shovel and threw the pack onto the ground.

The temple tunnel was pitch black, Indy felt sticky cobwebs run into his sweaty face. Satipo finally decided to come into the temple. He held a wooden torch up in the air. Around him he found stone carvings and vines growing on the ancient walls. Nervously he slowly caught up with Indy. Indy grabbed his coiled whip and started wiping the thick spider webs away. At once Indy stopped moving. He felt a strange sensation on the back of his leather jacket.

"Señor!" Satipo almost froze in shock.

Indy glanced over his shoulder to find a few hairy, giant tarantulas freely crawling on him. He grabbed his whip and calmly wiped the arachnids off. Indy pointed at Satipo and told him to turn around. Satipo was terrified, he bit his lip and closed his eyes, his breathing became intense.

"Stand still" Indy ordered.

On Satipo's back were a dozen hairy tarantulas. Satipo stuttered. He looked on his left shoulder and saw the creepy tarantula climb up. He looked down onto his ripped shirt, tarantulas were everywhere. Satipo streaked. Indy started brushing the tarantulas off slowly onto the ground. Satipos was too shocked to say a word.

Satipo stood against the wall taking deep breaths. He slowly walked on. Indy spotted a blue shaft of light shining onto the wall. Satipo kept walking. Indy held his coiled whip in front of Satipo.

"Stop" Indy yelled

"Don't step into the light" He commanded.

They both ducked under the shining light. Indy bent and waved his hand to test if it was a booby trap.
Instantly, spikes shot out of either sides of the wall. Stuck to one of the the spikes was the old and rotten skeletal remains of a man.

Satipo screamed in terror with what just happened.
The skull slowly turned towards Indy, Satipo stuck his hand in his mouth, he was petrified.

"Forrestial...." Indy whispered to himself.

Along the same tunnel were more stone carvings of shrines. Small plants were growing throughout the cracks of the ancient temple. A huge steep pit was in the way of the tunnel. Indy flashed his whip and it coiled on the high metal support beam. There, he swung to the other side. Satipo had never swung on a whip before, he grabbed hold of it, jumped and swung, the support beam suddenly fell down an inch, causing a few rocks to fly from the ceiling. Indy grabbed the screaming man's belt and pulled him to the other side. Satipo lunged towards him and grabbed hold of Indy, who shrugged him off. Indy and Satipo walked around a corner on the left was a rusted brass sun star tied to the wall. Indy paused and looked straight ahead of him. On the rocky stand was the chayapoyan golden idol. He was so close. However in front was a stony tiled floor. Indy held Satipo back and shoved him against the wall.

"Let us hurry! There is nothing to fear here!"
Satipo calmly said to Indiana.

"That's what scares me..." He softly muttered
Indy picked up an unlit torch

Indy and Satipo squatted, Indy used the end of the torch and placed it down on one of the stony tiles. The tile slowly caved in. Arrows shot out of the carvings in on both sides of the wall.

"Stay here"

"If you insist Señor."

Indy slowly stepped between the tiles. He cautiously walked faster, he was close to losing his balance and his life. Indy then hopped up the round rocky stairs. There, in front of his eyes was the golden jewel, The Idol. He stood directly in front of it and squatted to eye level with it on the stoney altar. Satipo was intensely breathing as he was watching. Indy pulled out the bag of dirt. He poured out a bit of the sandy dirt and put it into his right hand, his left hand was moving closer to the glistening idol. Indy quickly and swiftly lifted the idol and replaced it with the sand. He smiled in relief. Right as he was about to step in between the tiles he heard a noise come from the altar, he watched as the bag of dirt started sinking into the stone altar. Almost at once large rocks started collapsing onto the ground. The relieved smile was wiped off his face into a worried. He started running, the tiled boobytrap was the least of his worries. As he ran through the temple, he was narrowly missing the arrows. He ran back to the pit to find Satipo on the other side holding the whip.

"Give me the whip!" Indy yelled

"Throw me the idol!" Satipo replied

The rocks were crashing down , gravel was flying everywhere. Indy could feel the small sharp pieces flicking against his hands.

"No time to argue!" Satipo shouted

"Throw me the idol, I throw you the whip."

Indy threw the idol to Satipo who yet was still holding the whip.

"Now throw me the whip."

The crumbling got even more dangerous, if Indy didn't get out, he would be stuck in there forever.

Satipo sneered,
"Adios Señor"

He dropped the whip and started running.
A stone slab door was starting to close,
Indy had no choice but to jump. He jumped as far as he could, he clutched the edge of the pit. His feet were scrambling on the side of the pit, Indy grabbed hold of a dry, dead root which had grown in between the cracks. Which he used to try and lift himself up, suddenly he lost grip and fell back a little leaving his legs dangling. With his might he lifted his body weight and scrambled over the edge. The slab was slowly closing off the exit, he picked up the whip and just rolled under the slab in time.

He kept running down the endless tunnel. Until he reached the light boobytrap, there he saw the same old remains of Forrestal however he gasped to see the dead and bloody corpse of an screaming impaled Satipo who had spikes through his forehead and chest. Indy bent over and picked up the dropped idol off the ground.

"Adios Stupido." He remarked at the dead guide.

(Adios = Goodbye)

(Stupido = Stupid)

(Señor = Mr / Sir )

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost ArkOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara