Sure enough there was about 6 different women approaching them.

Bakugo immediately went off the ship onto the beach they were parked nearby.

" Oi! What the fuck do you want?!" Asked Bakugo in a very rude manner.

" Hello boys. We are from a nearby villiage. We just wanted to stop by and say hi and maybe keep you company"Said Momo squishing her chest in a sexual way.

" BAKUGO LET THEM ON!" Yelled Kaminari.

" Why the fuck should I!?" Asked Bakugo.

" Oh c'mon. We are just so lonely, we could definitely use some big strong men" Said Asui.

Sh walked over to Bakugo and immediately kissed him and started to touch certain places.

"Fine! Get the fuck on board!" Said Bakugo.

"Yay!" Said all the girls expect for Ochako.

They all got on board and began to have their way with the men.

Mina got Kirishima. Momo got Todoroki. Asui got Bakugo. Jirou got Kaminari. And Toru got Ojiro.

" What about me?" Asked Ochako watching everyone getting laid already.

"We told you... Ochako...we will have to... share" Said Momo in between moans.

"Hey round face! Their is a boy down in the ship! He probably ain't much use but If you are impatient go fuck him!" Said Bakugo screwing with Asui.

" Round face!?" Said Ochako.

She went over to the door and went down into the ship.

' Geez it's cold down here! And being completely nude is worse! Geez how can they do this so easily! I am so embarrassed!' Thought Ochako.


Ochako heard something from behind fall. She turned around to see a boy with green hair staring completely at her.

While she is nude.

Ochako stared into his eyes. She felt her heart start to beat fast.

She watched as the poor guy fainted to the ground.

She immediately ran over and lifted his head up.

"Hey!? Are you alright!?" Asked Ochako.

He was definitely not going to respond.

She picked up the bucket the boy had just dropped with a little bit of water left. She threw the remaining water into his face waking him up.

"*Cough* what happened?" Asked Izuku.

He saw her nude once again and his entire body turned red.

"AHHHHH!" Yelled Izuku.

"Calm down please! Are you alright?" Asked Ochako.

" Y-y-you're n-n-naked!" Said Izuku.

Ochako immediately let go of him and turned away from him.

"I know! And it's really embarrassing! I-i didn't mean for you to faint... But I left all my clothes behind" Said Ochako.

She felt a blanket wrap around her body, although she was pretty big and it didn't cover everything.

"T-this should help" Said Izuku.

"T-thank you" Said Ochako feeling like she could die from embarrassment.

"M-may I ask why you are nude miss?" Asked Izuku.

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