A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Sixteen

Start from the beginning

Baptiste hesitates for a split second, trying to discern whether the Dux asked a rhetorical question or not. "You pay me to know..."

Alta nods, perching himself on his black leather seat. "So I'll ask again," he leans back into his seat, crystal glass resting on the arm rest. "Stolen from whom?"

Baptiste straightens himself, clearing his throat. "The Shade and her Ember partner."

"Good." Is all the Dux says before hurling his glass across the room. It smashes onto the wall on his right but Baptiste doesn't even flinch, staying still as a statue as the Dux exhales slowly from his mouth with his head in his hand.

This isn't the first time the Dux has lost his cool no matter how rare it is and he's been around each time he has.

The elder takes a few deep breaths before lifting his head to gaze impassively at his subject. No words could describe his anger at the moment though the Dux knows better than to show it. It makes him more deadly that way.

"Find..." he grits out, slowly inhaling and exhaling to rein in his anger. "Find them. Retrieve the slab and if you must execute every man, woman and child to get it then so be it. Just get me that slab."

A small malicious smile twitches at Baptiste's lip before he quickly corrects it, nodding his head and swiftly leaving the office.

"Baptiste," the Dux calls and the bulky male turns around. "Is there anyone who deserves a well-earned break?"

Baptiste's lip twitches. "James Rigidius, Sir."

The Dux nods impassively and Baptiste leaves his office.

Standing from his desk, Alta exits his office and begins his five-minute trek to the IT department. He promptly passes the rows of computers, stopping at one on the far end.

A scrawny boy in his late twenties sits in front of the Mac but instead of doing his job, he plays World of Warcraft, a Bluetooth mike in his ear.

"Mr Rigidius."

"Dux Alta!" The brunette exclaims, jumping almost ten feet high. "I...uh...I..." He fumbles around his desk, trying desperately to switch off his monitor so the elder doesn't see how's he's been spending his time.

Alta stands behind him casually with a stoic face though he can't help the slight twitch of his lips from finding the whole scene funny.

"Um..." the guy trails off, standing up from his chair and turning to face the Dux all the while pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. "I-Is there anything you need, Sir?"

The Dux tilts his head, smirking at the familiarity he shares with a certain someone before inclining it. He's certainly going to enjoy this. "Follow me, James. I have something to tell you." He informs his subject, taking one hand from his suit pockets to gesture to the door.

The blue-eyed brunette blinks behind his spectacles before hesitantly nodding his head. "Y-Yes Sir."

With a slight smile, the Dux turns on his heels for the door, James on his heels.

Even though the whole IT department didn't stop to register that the Dux was here, two members who had seen the exchange and glance at each other before continuing with their job as if nothing had happened.

They'll need to find someone to fill an empty vacancy.


The Dux fluffs of his suit blazer before adjusting his cuffs, pausing then turning when the door opens, bathing the relatively dark room in a yellowish light.

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