A Shadowed Birthright - Chapter Six

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Hey, dudes! I finished mah last piece of homework for this weekend early and decided to get chapter six rolling. I never thought that I'll be able to upload today but I did. Gimme mah props! ;)

I'm jus kidding. Enjoy the latest chapter, peeps and I'll try to get chapter seven up soonish. Plus, don't forget to vote and comment x'D

The spoilt brat Adrien de Forda ^^

- Clara's P.O.V -

Remy withdraws his hand from Adrien's, his eyes slightly narrowing as he retains his friendly smile. "Nice to meet you," he says before taking a sip of his drink. "Nice place you got too."

Adrien laughs arrogantly, waving his hand in a dismissive fashion before lifting his arm and snapping his fingers. "Yes, it's a fine establishment but I have plenty more that are way better." He answers boastfully as a waiter swiftly walks to him, a tray full of champagne glasses. Adrien takes a flute before shooing the waiter away, who leaves without complaint.

What an arrogant idiot...

"Why did you pick this one then?" Remy questions casually, but I can hear the annoyance behind it. He's annoying me too. "If you have better ones, what made you go for this one?"

I lift my martini glass to my lips to hide the smirk that had made its way onto my face as Adrien seems taken aback by Remy's question.

He quickly recovers and forces out a laugh. "Well, this one is more convenient for the guests to attend the party. I after all want to celebrate the opening of my new clothing line."

I slide my eyes to the right and notice a guard walking through the crowd, looking at everybody but I can tell he's closely watching Adrien. I slide my eyes back as the billionaire pockets his free hand.

"How about you take anything you want on discount. Let's say...seventy-five per cent, perhaps?" He offers, making me want to scoff in his face. Nice way of saying Remy is poor. Very subtle...

Remy chuckles before taking a sip of his drink as his other hand making its way to the small of my back. Adrien's follows Remy's hand, his eyes flashing with something before it disappears in the same second. "Thanks for the offer but I have more important things to worry about," he declines. "More expensive, might I add."

I roll my eyes and watch as Adrien's eyes harden before returning normal in the same second. He nods curtly to Remy before turning to me.

"So, dea, what is it you do for a living?" he asks charmingly, completely ignoring Remy as he takes another sip of his drink. I can practically see Remy's victorious smirk.

"I work for the government, secretary for the Labour MP." I answer easily, glancing at Remy from the corner of my eye as he scrutinizes Adrien.

Adrien nods, his grey eyes glinting with libido before it disappears as they slide wearily over to Remy. He covers up his irritation with a forced grin. "And what about you, Reese? What do you do?" he questions and I turn to Remy as I take a sip of my martini.

"I'm a stockbroker," Remy answers casually, swirling the burgundy liquid in his glass. "I sold the latest security system to Franciae for twelve million lammina."

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